From Tue Dec 19 02:02:44 2006 To: From: Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 18:02:01 -0800 (PST) Subject: [ssax-sxml] Typed SXML X-comment: [July 2011] refreshed URLs List-Archive: Status: OR SXML is the representation of semi-structured data (XML Infoset) as a Scheme tree -- or, alternatively, as Scheme code. As such, an SXML document can be traversed and evaluated. The result of either operation is a list of queried for values, a transformed SXML document, or a set of strings representing the rendered version of the document, in HTML, XML, LaTeX, Wiki, etc. formats. All that processing has been untyped so far. It is an interesting question to find out to which extent SXML and the above transformations are possible in a typed setting. Or if they are possible at all short of experimental systems with quite advanced type systems. How much hassle typed SXML processing imposes on the programmer, how many type annotations need to be written. How long type inference (if possible at all) and type checking may take. What static guarantees typed SXML processing may bring and if they are worth the added trouble. This message reports on several experiments in Haskell to answer those questions. The upshot: Haskell as it is can represent semi-structured data in SXML-conforming syntax, with the extensible set of `tags' and statically enforced content model restrictions. Querying, transforming and advanced rendering into HTML and XML are possible. Experience of writing (moderately complex, so far) web pages in HSXML shows that the typed SXML can be used in practice. The benefit of representing XML-like documents as a typed data structure/Haskell code is static rejection of bad documents -- not only those with undeclared tags but also those where elements appear in wrong contexts. Using HTML-like HSXML as an example, a document with H1 within the P element is rejected as invalid. No HSXML transformation may introduce nested Hn or P elements: the code will not compile otherwise due to a type error. Thus the generated XML or HTML document will not only be well-formed but also will satisfy some validity constraints. Many (all?) content model constraints of HTML/XML DTD can be expressed and thus enforced in types. The types also guide queries, transformations, and rendering, making them context sensitive. One may admit `br' both in element and attribute content -- but render it differently, e.g., as a newline in the latter case. Specifying these context-sensitive transformations seems easier in Haskell. The type inference of such expressive types is possible; in fact, in most cases no type annotations are needed, and in remaining rare cases the `annotations' take a form of special top-level terms such as `as_block'. The type inference and type checking does take time with GHC(i) (e.g., 15 secs for moderately complex HSXML page; normally about 3 secs), although running the HSXML transformation code is fast. GHC has never been optimized for compilation speed, and is quite slow in general. Static typing does not inhibit extensibility. The HSXML library user may always define new `tags', new transformation rules and new contexts. Nor does static typing limit the complexity of transformations. The same document can be processed in pre-, post-, accumulating or other ways, even within the same transformation session. A document can be processed in a pure function, or in a monadic action, including an IO action. In the latter case, we can, e.g., verify URLs as we generate the HTML document. The complete code is available from Unless otherwise noted, all files mentioned throughout this message are contained in the above archive. Here is the first HSXML example, inspired by the web site: (document (head [title "Haskell" longdash "HaskellWiki"] [meta_tag [description "All about the language" br "Haskell"]]) (body [h1 "Haskell"] [div (attr [title "titleline"]) [p [[a (attr [href (FileURL "/haskellwiki/Image:Haskelllogo.jpg")]) "Haskell" br "A language"]] br ] [p "Haskell is a general purpose," [[em [[strong "purely"]] "functional"]] "programming language"]])) Incidentally, it is also valid SXML and can be processed as such, e.g., for rendering to HTML. The corresponding Scheme code is in the file sample1c.scm, to be contrasted with the Haskell code sample1c.hs. As a quoted Scheme expression (in a Scheme system treating brackets as parentheses, which is common), the above document yields a tree -- a heterogenous list containing, inter alia, other heterogenous lists. As a Haskell expression, the document too evaluates to a heterogeneous list whose subterms may include heterogeneous lists. One should note Haskell lists are homogeneous and their notation is [1,2] or 1:2:[]. Pleasantly HSXML does not require comma separators and permits heterogenous elements. HSXML is also typed. The above expression has no type annotations. Its type is inferred by the compiler, and can be seen by loading sample1c.hs into GHCi and asking the GHCi to show the type of the expression. We see that `br' can be used in various contexts: in the character content of an element and of an attribute (cf. `description' for the latter). However, if we try to replace "Haskell" within the `description' attribute with [[em "Haskell"]] we get an error that Couldn't match `CT_attr' against `CT_inline' Expected type: CT_attr Inferred type: CT_inline Only certain things (strings and br, for example) are permitted as attribute values. On the other hand, the string "Haskell" that appears within the `h1' element may be replaced with [[em "Haskell"]]. However, if we try to enter (h1 [[h1 "Haskell"]]) we get the type error Couldn't match `CT_inline' against `CT_block' Indeed, the element `H1' is not allowed in the `inline' context and so Hn elements can't nest. These validation errors are detected when _compiling_ the HSXML code or the code that transforms one HSXML expression into another. The error is raised well before the HSXML transformation begins and well before any output is created. That's the meaning of static validation. The transformation code in HSXML/ includes no dynamics and no variant data types for elements or attributes, and thus offers no possibility of a run-time pattern-match failure. We can transform the above HSXML data structure in many ways (e.g., extract all the titles, renumber sections, etc). We can also render it in HTML. The result is quite predictable: Haskell— HaskellWiki


A <purely functional> language

Haskell is a general purpose, purely functional programming language

The BR element that occurred in the character content of an attribute and of an element was indeed rendered differently depending on the context. The small difference between Scheme and Haskell SXML processing is the treatment of adjacent strings. The Haskell library inserts a space between two adjacent strings or other inline-content elements such as `em'. A special pseudo-element `nosp' suppresses that behavior. This space-insertion has been borrowed from LAML, and proved quite convenient. More complex examples. If SXML is included as a literal in Scheme code, we can use the Scheme evaluator and quasiquotation as a `macro' facility, for example, to avoid repeating common fragments: (define sxml-doc (let ((abstr "levels of abstraction") (qu (lambda (x) `("`" ,x "'")))) `(p "In the words of John Reynolds, a type system is a " "syntactic discipline for enforcing " ,abstr ". " "By " ,@(qu abstr) " we mean ..."))) The same is available in HSXML: -- From what_is_a_type_system = as_block $ p "In the words of John Reynolds, a type system is a" "syntactic discipline for enforcing" abstr dot "By" (qu abstr) "we mean the clean separation between conceptually" "distinct data objects that may, in a particular program or compiler," "have the same or similar representations." where dot = [[tspan nosp "."]] abstr = "levels of abstraction" qu x = [[tspan "`" nosp x nosp "'"]] The pseudo-elements tdiv and tspan can be used for splicing a set of elements in the block or inline contexts. As before, we statically assure context validity. The more complex example, due to shelarcy, is discussed in the file sample-sxml-simple.hs. The above examples are the simple instances of multi-stage re-writing, from one SXML expression to another until it is finally rendered. Authoring web pages (on this site) involves many such staged re-writings, as can be seen in the authoring library code SSAX/lib/SXML-to-HTML-ext.scm (Scheme) and HSXML_ext.hs (Haskell). The code RSS.hs, described in HSXML-to-RSS.txt, demonstrates non-trivial transformations of HSXML marked-up data -- rendering data in HTML and RSS/XML. The resulting document has the structure different from that of the original markup: hierarchies may be flattened, some pieces of data rearranged among elements. Rendering of a particular markup element may be truly context sensitive, e.g., by pulling data from the parent element. Creating an RSS document further requires `subordinate' HTML rendering. We also demonstrate markup transformations by successive rewriting (aka, `higher-order tags') and the easy definition of new tags. Finally, sample-code.hs shows off extensibility: defining new elements, new contexts, new traversal strategies. The goal is to include Haskell source code in an HSXML document, properly render it _and_ the result of its evaluation. We indeed evaluate code fragments quoted in the HSXML document. In many cases semi-structured data to process are not authored by us, as Haskell code, but rather received as data from a (remote) client. One may still treat that data as code and use type checking as validation, with the help of hs-plugins. That is an interesting area that seems feasible and worth future research.