Usage Example 1

Accessing HTTPFS (MCHFS server) via a POSIX File API

I must ask indulgence of the audience: to set up the context I need to present a few bits of rather boring code, hopefully with a bit of excitement at the very end. The code is sort of a set of test cases for file system API:
static const char pattern [] = "1234\n467\r\n\007A!\177";
static const char pattern1 [] = "Yet another pattern";

static void do_test(const char filename[])
  printf("\nTesting File API using file name >%s<\n", filename);
    int fd;
    printf("\n\tWriting a pattern to the file...");
    do_well( fd = 
	open(filename,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0777) );
    assert( write(fd,pattern,sizeof(pattern)) 
	== sizeof(pattern) );
    do_well( close(fd) );

Given the file name, the first test cases opens the file, and writes a pattern to it.

The second test case makes sure the file indeed exists and has the right size:
    printf("\n\tMaking sure the file we created exists 
		and has size %d...",sizeof(pattern));
    do_well( lstat(filename,&buf) );
    assert( buf.st_size == sizeof(pattern) );
    assert( S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) );
	/* ... the same with stat() ... */


The third case reads the file back and verifies what was written. The code continues in the same boring way, so I will show just the outline of the test cases rather than the code itself:
	must fail
		Appending to the FILE
    assert( (fp = fopen(filename,"ab")) != (FILE*)0 );
    fprintf(fp, "%s", pattern1); do_well( fclose(fp) );

 { ... reading back and verifying... }

		Truncating the FILE to pattern1
   assert( (fp = fopen(filename,"wb")) != (FILE*)0 );
   fprintf(fp, "%s", pattern1); do_well( fclose(fp) );

Note the use of fopen() and the variety of opening modes in these cases.

		Update: over-writing the second byte
   assert( (fp = fopen(filename,"r+b")) != (FILE*)0 );
   for(i=0; i<strlen(pattern1); i++)
       assert( getc(fp) == pattern1[i] );
   do_well( fseek(fp,1,SEEK_SET) );
   do_well( fclose(fp) );
 { 	... reading back and verifying... }
Again, note opening modes as well as fseek().

Here's the main() function that calls the test driver above given a file name:
int main(void)
This was a regular, plain and boring C code. There was no catch. It's quite obvious therefore that all the test cases above pass. It's not that obvious that the second statement finishes just as successfully:

int main(void)

This invocation of the test driver creates, reads, writes, truncates, modifies and obtains the status of a file /tmp/x2 on a remote Sun/Solaris computer (running an Apache web server). Only the hostname is changed to protect the innocents.

The next call to the test driver

 printf("\nAll Done\n");
 return 0;

finishes successfully as well, accessing and modifying a file on a remote WinNT computer.

This main function itself ran on a Sun/Solaris and Linux/i686 computers. The entire code of this example -- file vhttpfs.c -- is a part of the testing suite in a HTTPFS distribution.
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Last updated June 25, 1999