One of the most fundamental and familiar list operations is mapping,
defined in the OCaml standard List
library as
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b listIt transforms a list preserving its shape (i.e., length), using the given mapping function
to transform elements. The element
transformation depends only on the element's value: the mapping
function is supposed to be pure. In any event, the order of applying
the mapping function to list elements is explicitly left unspecified.
The next important operation is what some may call `visiting';
the OCaml standard List
library calls it
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unitIt visits each element of the argument list in turn, applying the given (effectful) function
'a -> unit
. The order of its applications is
now specified: strictly in the list order.
The List
library also defines left folding, or accumulating
traversal (also called `reduce'):
val fold_left : ('z -> 'a -> 'z) -> 'z -> 'a list -> 'zIt may be regarded as a `pure functional' interface to visiting. Indeed, the two operations are implementable in terms of each other, demonstrating they are two guises of the same algorithm:
let iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit = fun f l -> fold_left (fun _ x -> f x) () l let fold_left : ('z -> 'a -> 'z) -> 'z -> 'a list -> 'z = fun f z l -> let zr = ref z in iter (fun x -> zr := f !zr x) l; !zrThe state (or, `heap') passing implicit in
is made explicit in
left folding interface.
What Okasaki calls `numbering' is the operation that takes a collection and builds the new one of the same shape with each element replaced by its index in a traversal (visiting) order. For lists, this operation has the signature:
val list_num : int -> 'a list -> int listwhere the first argument sets the index for the first element. One might also want to preserve the original elements, pairing them with the indices
val list_lab : int -> 'a list -> (int * 'a) listWe will call such an operation `labeling'. For example,
list_lab 101 [2;3;5;7;11]
should return
One may want to generalize labeling even further, using as
labels not just consecutive integers but any stream or list of
sufficient length.
All of the above are the instances of the general operation:
accumulating, or `stateful' map. In its effectful guise, it applies an
(effectful) transformer to each element of the list, strictly in
order, collecting the results in the output list -- what in Haskell is
called mapM
let rec map_accum' : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list = fun f -> function | [] -> [] | h::t -> let h' = f h in h'::map_accum' f tThe pure functional version explicates the state passing. The mapping function receives the state (the accumulator) as the first argument, returning the final accumulator along with the mapping result:
let rec map_accum : ('z -> 'a -> ('z*'b)) -> 'z -> 'a list -> ('z*'b list) = fun f z -> function | [] -> (z,[]) | h::t -> let (z,h') = f z h in let (z,t') = map_accum f z t in (z,h'::t')
Numbering and labeling are the particular instances of the accumulating mapping. For example:
let ilabeling : int -> 'a -> int * (int*'a) = fun z x -> (z+1,(z,x)) let list_lab : int -> 'a list -> (int * 'a) list = fun z l -> map_accum ilabeling z l |> snd(this particular
accumulating transformer will appear in
many examples below). Other operations can also be expressed in terms
of map_accum
, for example, zipping with a list of sufficient
length. It is a pity that the accumulating map is under-appreciated
and not often provided in standard libraries.
Just like iter
and fold_left
, map_accum
and map_accum'
implementable in terms of each other. For instance:
let map_accum : ('z -> 'a -> ('z*'b)) -> 'z -> 'a list -> ('z*'b list) = fun f z l -> let zr = ref z in let l' = map_accum' (fun x -> let (z,b) = f !zr x in zr := z; b) l in (!zr,l')One may hence view the earlier pure
code as the result of
inlining map_accum'
in the above and `working out' the zr
eventually dissolving the mutation.
Implementing the `pure' interface map_accum
in terms of the
effectful map_accum'
is the pattern we shall follow. We do not shy
away from stateful code so long as the state can be properly
encapsulated in the end. A `pure functional' implementation with the
explicit threading of state (such as the original map_accum
) does
not eliminate state from the algorithm but clutters the code with
explicit state passing. Using mutable state in internal functions lets
us focus on interesting parts of the algorithm.
Consider a binary tree with values of the type 'a
in leaves and nodes --
for example, as represented by the following OCaml data type:
type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a treeWe shall refer to both
and Node
as tree nodes.
Here is a sample tree, with the integer payload:
let tree1 = Node (1, Node (2, Leaf 3, Node (4, Leaf 5, Leaf 6)), Node (12,Node (14, Leaf 15, Leaf 16), Leaf 13))
The problem is to write the accumulating, or effectful map on trees:
val bfa' : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree val bfa : ('z -> 'a -> 'z*'b) -> 'z -> 'a tree -> ('z*'b tree)which traverses the tree breadth-first applying the payload transformer to each tree node value in turn, returning the transformed tree of the same shape in the end. Furthermore, the running time of the entire transformation should be linear in the size of the tree. This is the most general statement of the problem, encompassing all simpler variations considered so far.
Since the bfa'
and bfa
(like map_accum'
and map_accum
are expressible in terms of each other, it is enough to implement one
of them. (One can transform the code of the effectful bfa'
to pass
the accumulator explicitly, obtaining the mutation-free bfa
. One
might also be content with encapsulating state inside the outwardly
pure bfa
The reader may wish to pause and try writing bfa
or bfa'
on their
own. At the very least, one ought to try implementing the simpler
depth-first accumulating mapping.
An example of accumulating mapping is labeling: for our sample
, bfa ilabeling 101 tree1
should produce the following tree
Node ((101, 1), Node ((102, 2), Leaf (104, 3), Node ((105, 4), Leaf (108, 5), Leaf (109, 6))), Node ((103, 12),Node ((106, 14), Leaf (110, 15), Leaf (111, 16)), Leaf (107, 13)))
This article derives and compares several solutions: with and without mutation, strict and lazy, some described in the Okasaki paper, and some are not.
Chris Okasaki:
Breadth-first numbering: lessons from a small exercise in algorithm
ICFP 2000, doi:10.1145/351240.351253
This is the original paper that presented the (simpler) numbering
problem and several
solutions. The tree data type used in that paper had only Node
bearing payload values. Leaves had no values. [17K]
The complete OCaml code accompanying the article
let rec tree_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree = fun f -> function | Leaf x -> Leaf (f x) | Node (x,l,r) -> Node (f x, tree_map f l, tree_map f r)
Although breadth-first traversal is also straightforward, it is not structurally recursive. (As Gibbons and Jones put it, ``depth-first traversal runs with the grain of the tree, but breadth-first traversal runs against the grain.'') Let's look into it, since it will be useful later.
The analogue of List.iter
is traversing a tree in breadth-first
order, performing an effectful operation on each visited payload
val bfi : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree -> unitWhen breadth-first traversing the tree
Node (x,l,r)
, we first visit
, then the root of l
, then the root of r
, then the roots of the
trees in the sequence built from from the children of l
and r
etc. Clearly, we need a more general operation:
breadth-first traversing a sequence of trees (or, a forest):
val bfi_forest : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree list -> unitHere is the first implementation of these operations, which we call the `level approach':
let rec bfi_forest : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree list -> unit = fun f -> function | [] -> () | forest -> let () = List.iter (function Leaf x | Node (x,_,_) -> f x) forest in map_concat (function Leaf _ -> [] | Node (_,l,r) -> [l;r]) forest |> bfi_forest f let bfi : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree -> unit = fun f t -> bfi_forest f [t]That is, to breadth-first traverse trees in the forest, we first visit the roots of the trees, then `cut the roots' and form a new forest from the remaining branches, in order, and traverse it. For our sample tree,
bfi (Printf.printf "%d ") tree1
1 2 12 3 4 14 13 5 6 15 16
The code is written for ease of understanding rather than
efficiency. Still, it is asymptotically optimal: the traversal takes
linear time in the size of the tree. One can clearly speed it up,
twice, by fusing multiple traversals of the forest
In contemplating such fusion one notices that bfi_forest
deals with two
forests at a time, representing the current level (the level of roots)
and the next level (the level of children). We take a tree from the
forest, visit its root and add its children, if any, to
the second forest. If we use a list (last-in, first-out data structure)
to represent a forest, it is more convenient to accumulate the second
forest in the reverse order. We put that forest in the correct order
once we turn to visiting it. All in all, we arrive at the
following, also linear, algorithm:
let rec bfi_forests : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree list * 'a tree list -> unit = fun f -> function | ([],[]) -> () | ([],next) -> bfi_forests f (List.rev next,[]) | (Leaf x::t,next) -> f x; bfi_forests f (t,next) | (Node (x,l,r)::t,next) -> f x; bfi_forests f (t,r::l::next) let bfi : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree -> unit = fun f t -> bfi_forests f ([t],[])A pair of lists, in opposite orders, is the well-known pure functional implementation of queues. No wonder: one easily sees in
the textbook breadth-first traversal algorithm using a queue of trees:
we visit the root of the tree at the head of the queue, pushing its
children branches to the other end of the queue. One could have
written bfi_forests
(which we call `the queue approach') first and
derived the earlier, `level approach', by visiting all roots `in bulk'.
I, however, prefer to think of a pair of lists, in opposite orders,
as a Huet zipper rather than a queue. The procedure bfi_forests
zips through the source forest, accumulating the new one.
The pure functional guise of visiting is (left) folding, trivially
implementable in terms of the earlier bfi
(again highlighting that
visiting and folding are just two interfaces of the same
traversal process):
let bf_fold_left : ('z -> 'a -> 'z) -> 'z -> 'a tree -> 'z = fun f z t -> let zr = ref z in bfi (fun x -> zr := f !zr x) t; !zrUsing either level or queue implementation of
, one can eliminate
the mutation by working out the `heap passing' into bfi
. We leave
this mutation-free implementation of bf_fold_left
as an exercise to
the reader (but see the accompanying code).
Jeremy Gibbons and Geraint Jones: The under-appreciated unfold. IFCP 1998,
That paper presents derivations of level-based traversal in terms of
folds, unfolds, and long zips. Our level approach bfi_forest
, in
functional setting, also makes an appearance. It was communicated to
the authors by Bernhard Moeller around 1993.
let bfa'_naive : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree = fun f t -> let t' = tree_map (fun x -> (ref None,x)) t in bfi (fun (rf,x) -> rf := Some (f x)) t'; tree_map (fun ({contents = Some b},_) -> b) t'Since breadth-first rebuilding of a tree is complicated (in fact, we have not even attempted it yet), let's build the tree depth-first -- that's the general idea. Or, in more detail:
Put this way, bfa'_naive
can be written without mutations --
maintaining the time complexity given an appropriate data
structure to represent the map.
Incidentally, bfa'_naive
makes essentially three passes over the
tree -- which we will often see in other solutions.
Although the naive solution looks inferior, in a twisted way it will come back to us. For now, let's consider what one may call `classical' solutions.
and bf_fold_left
-- in fact, two versions of the
code, using the level and queue approaches. Can we somehow adjust that code
to not just visit a tree branch but return a new one of the same shape?
Let's look at the queue implementation of bfi
Recall, the key data
structure was the tree forest zipper (a pair of tree forests)
type 'a forest_zipper = 'a tree list * 'a tree listand the key operation was
val bfi_forests : ('a -> unit) -> 'a forest_zipper -> unitthat traversed the zipper using the given function to visit every node in turn. To turn the visiting into rebuilding (mapping), we need the operation of the following signature:
val bfa_forests : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a forest_zipper -> 'b forest_zipperIt should take a (possibly effectful) mapping function and apply it to the forest represented by the zipper breadth-first, in order, returning the zipper for the rebuilt forest. The key invariant to maintain is the returned zipper having the same shape as the input one (that is, the two zippers must be equal modulo the differences in the payload of tree nodes).
Let us see if we can adjust bfi_forests
code to obtain bfa_forests
that preserves the desired invariant. It turns out rather easy:
let rec bfa_forests : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a forest_zipper -> 'b forest_zipper = fun f -> function | ([],[]) -> ([],[]) | ([],next) -> let (next',[]) = bfa_forests f (List.rev next,[]) in ([],List.rev next') | (Leaf x::t,next) -> let v = f x in let (t',next') = bfa_forests f (t,next) in (Leaf v::t',next') | (Node (x,l,r)::t,next) -> let v = f x in let (t',r'::l'::next') = bfa_forests f (t,r::l::next) in (Node (v,l',r')::t',next')The preservation of the invariant should be clear (by simple induction). That the mapping function
is applied in breadth-first order is
also clear (after all, bfa_forests
is just a variation of
). Linear time complexity (in the size of all trees in
the input zipper) is also easy to see. In fact, the code effectively
traverses the nodes of all zipper trees three times, counting the two
. However, each constructor in the tree data structure is
examined only once.
The desired bfa'
is the simple wrapper
let bfa' : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree = fun f t -> let ([t'],[]) = bfa_forests f ([t],[]) in t'Its correctness follows from the invariant of
This is essentially the queue-based solution presented in Okasaki's ICFP
2000 paper in Fig. 3 (with the queue implemented as a pair of
lists). The mutable state in bfa'
can be easily eliminated by
threading the state of the stream, which is what Okasaki's code
essentially does (Okasaki considers a simpler breadth-first numbering
problem, where the state threading can be replaced by the adjustment of
the initial number).
Okasaki stresses that this queue-based solution is surprisingly uncommon: he posed this problem to many people, and only one other person gave that solution. It is indeed surprising that this solution is so uncommon: for us, it emerged naturally, as a simple variation of the standard breadth-first traversal.
Chris Okasaki: Breadth-First Numbering: An Algorithm in Pictures
A pictorial explanation of the queue-based algorithm
Recall, the key data structure was the tree forest (the list of trees) and the key operation was
val bfi_forest : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree list -> unitTo turn the visiting into rebuilding (mapping), we need the operation of the following signature:
val bfa_forest : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree list -> 'b tree listIt should take a (possibly effectful) mapping function and apply it to the forest breadth-first, in order, returning the rebuilt forest of the same shape.
Modifications to bfi_forest
to obtain bfa_forest
are just as
straightforward as in the queue/zipper approach:
let rec bfa_forest : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree list -> 'b tree list = fun f -> function | [] -> [] | forest -> let payload' = map_accum' (function Leaf x | Node (x,_,_) -> f x) forest in let next = map_concat (function Leaf _ -> [] | Node (_,l,r) -> [l;r]) forest in let next' = bfa_forest f next in rebuild (forest,payload',next') and rebuild : 'a tree list * 'b list * 'b tree list -> 'b tree list = function | ([],[],[]) -> [] | (Leaf _::t, v::payload, children) -> Leaf v :: rebuild (t,payload,children) | (Node _::t, v::payload, l::r::children) -> Node (v,l,r) :: rebuild (t,payload,children)First we map the roots of the forest trees computing the payload for the tree roots in the result forest. We then compute the forest
of the children branches and map it, obtaining
. Finally, we
rebuild the trees, using the mapped payload for
the roots, the mapped children, and the original forest (which tells
the top-level shape of the source forest, and hence of the result
forest). That the forest shape is preserved is hence clear. The order
of applying the mapping function, inherited from bfi_forest
, is
breadth-first, as desired. The time complexity is also clearly
linear; each constructor in the tree data structure is examined three
times (although two of the repeated tree traversal may easily be
Again, the desired bfa'
is a simpler wrapper over bfa_forest
This is essentially the levels solution in Okasaki's ICFP 2000 paper (Fig. 5), only a bit more principled, without the hack of computing lengths and dividing by two, etc. Our code hence is easy to extend to non-binary trees.
The `natural' identifier of each tree node is its path from the
root. The breadth-first order p < q
on paths p
and q
is defined
length p < length q
length p = length q
and p
is lexicographically less than q
type 'a bfview = 'a list listA level contains payload values that come from the nodes of the same path length. Levels within the view are ordered by path length: the first level contains the payload of the tree root (path length 0); the second level contains the payloads of its two children, etc. Within a level the values are in the lexicographic order of the paths of the corresponding nodes.
Interestingly, we can build a bfview
and rebuild the tree
from a bfview
using structural recursion and in linear time:
let df_to_bfview : 'a tree -> 'a bfview = fun t -> let rec loop : 'a bfview -> 'a tree -> 'a bfview = fun (h::lv) -> function | Leaf x -> (x::h)::lv | Node (x,l,r) -> let lvl = loop (if lv = [] then [[]] else lv) l in let lvr = loop lvl r in (x::h)::lvr in loop [[]] t |> List.revIf one look closely, the internal
is almost the depth-first tree
left fold. For the sample tree1
, its breadth-first view is
[[1]; [2; 12]; [3; 4; 14; 13]; [5; 6; 15; 16]]
The rebuilding function is also structurally recursive and taking linear time. It needs the source tree solely to provide the shape for the result:
let df_of_bfview : 'a tree -> 'b bfview -> 'b tree = fun t lv -> let rec loop : 'b bfview -> 'a tree -> 'b tree * 'b bfview = fun ((x::h)::lv) -> function | Leaf _ -> (Leaf x, h::lv) | Node (_,l,r) -> let (l',lvl) = loop lv l in let (r',lvr) = loop lvl r in (Node (x,l',r'), h::lvr) in fst @@ loop lv tThe internal
is essentially the depth-first tree accumulating
map. It is easy to see that df_of_bfview tree (df_to_bfview tree)
for all tree
Finally, we notice that the breadth-first accumulating map can be performed on a breadth-first view, trivially:
let bfview_map_accum : ('z -> 'a -> 'z*'b) -> 'z -> 'a bfview -> ('z*'b bfview) = fun f -> map_accum (map_accum f)
Composing the three above functions gives the desired bfa
let bfa : ('z -> 'a -> 'z*'b) -> 'z -> 'a tree -> ('z*'b tree) = fun f z t -> df_to_bfview t |> bfview_map_accum f z |> (fun (z,lv) -> (z, df_of_bfview t lv))This is the essence of the naive
the three parts of the composition correspond to the three lines in
the bfa'_naive
code. It was not dumb after all.
BFN.hs [5K]
A similar in spirit level-based solution, in Haskell (July 20, 2009)
Jeremy Gibbons and Geraint Jones: The under-appreciated unfold. IFCP 1998,
The paper gives alternative ways to compute 'a bfview
`levels' in that paper) in terms of right folds and unfolds.
Although these pleasing characterizations are less efficient, they can
be transformed (using accumulator-passing and deforestation) into what
looks quite like our df_to_bfview
in the previous section one begins to wonder
if bfview_map_accum
and df_of_bfview
may be fused. Can we
map-accumulate levels as we rebuild a tree? We can -- provided we
somehow know the initial accumulator values for each level in a
. In the code below, these initial values are collected in a
'z list
: the first element is the accumulator value to visit and
rebuild the root; the second element is the starting accumulator to
use when visiting and rebuilding the root's children, etc.
let rec bf_tree_accum : ('z -> 'a -> 'z*'b) -> 'z list -> 'a tree -> ('z list * 'b tree) = fun f (z::zs) -> function | Leaf x -> let (z',b) = f z x in (z'::zs, Leaf b) | Node (x,l,r) -> let (z',b) = f z x in let (zsl,l') = bf_tree_accum f zs l in let (zsr,r') = bf_tree_accum f zsl r in (z'::zsr, Node (b,l',r'))The function does look like a particular kind of an accumulating map on a tree. Accumulating maps do keep coming up, don't they.
To actually use bf_tree_accum
we need the list of initial
accumulator values for each bfview
level. The reader may wish to
pause and think how to compute it.
Let us do a small experiment, on the running example bfa ilabeling 101
of labeling tree1
. The tree has four levels; the initial labels
for each level have to be [101; 102; 104; 108]
. Using this list as
the argument to bf_tree_accum
, we obtain
as the result of
bf_tree_accum ilabeling [101; 102; 104; 108] tree1
the desired
labeled tree and the list of final accumulator values per
level. That list is [102; 104; 108; 112]
. Look closer: the resulting
list, without the last element, is the tail of the argument
list. According to Jeremy Gibbons, that was Geraint Jones' original
discovery. In hindsight, it is obvious: the final accumulator value of
traversing a level is the initial accumulator value for the next
level. Hence the 'z list
argument to pass to bf_tree_accum
essentially that function's result. Tying the knot comes to mind.
The rest is technicality. We need deferred computations
provided by OCaml's Lazy
module and the syntax form lazy exp
return a value of the type 'a Lazy.t
without evaluating the
expression exp
. The evaluation of thus suspended expression is
forced by Lazy.force : 'a Lazy.t -> 'a
. Deferred computations can be
transformed (without forcing them) by
let lfmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Lazy.t -> 'b Lazy.t = fun f x -> lazy (f (Lazy.force x))
The sequence of accumulator values that feeds back into
must be a `lazy' stream, whose tail might not be
computed yet:
type 'a lstreamv = Cons of 'a * 'a lstream and 'a lstream = 'a lstreamv Lazy.tA few combinators help dealing with lazy values and streams:
val lfst : ('a * 'b) Lazy.t -> 'a Lazy.t val llfst : ('a Lazy.t * 'b) Lazy.t -> 'a Lazy.t val lsnd : ('a * 'b) Lazy.t -> 'b Lazy.t val lhd : 'a lstream -> 'a Lazy.t val ltl : 'a lstream -> 'a lstream val lcons : 'a Lazy.t -> 'a lstream -> 'a lstreamThe types tell what they are supposed to do.
The following is the version of bf_tree_accum
adjusted for the lazy
stream of accumulator values:
let rec bfa_lazy' : ('z -> 'a -> 'z*'b) -> 'z lstream -> 'a tree -> 'z lstream * 'b Lazy.t tree = fun f zs -> function | Leaf x -> let zb = lfmap (fun z -> f z x) (lhd zs) in (lcons (lfst zb) (ltl zs), Leaf (lsnd zb)) | Node (x,l,r) -> let zb = lfmap (fun z -> f z x) (lhd zs) in let (zsl,l') = bfa_lazy' f (ltl zs) l in let (zsr,r') = bfa_lazy' f zsl r in (lcons (lfst zb) zsr, Node (lsnd zb,l',r'))Using OCaml (which, unlike Haskell, distinguishes deferred computations in types) makes it clear that the spine of the result tree is computed eagerly, but the payload values lazily.
The following ties the knot
let bfa_lazy : ('z -> 'a -> 'z*'b) -> 'z -> 'a tree -> 'b tree = fun f z t -> let rec zst = lazy (bfa_lazy' f (lcons (lazy z) (llfst zst)) t) in Lazy.force zst |> snd |> tree_map Lazy.forceThe signature is a bit off: returning the final accumulator value is a bit messy and left as an exercise.
This is the (general form of the) lazy solution to breadth-first
labeling, discovered by Jones and Gibbons back in early
1990s. Nowadays that solution is often presented in Haskell. Albeit
elegant, the Haskell version obscures the data flow and hides memory
costs (our 'a tree
data type is fully strict, without hidden thunks,
and can be compactly laid out in memory).
Geraint Jones and Jeremy Gibbons. Linear-time breadth-first tree
algorithms: An exercise in the arithmetic of folds and zips.
Technical Report No. 71, University of Auckland, 1993.
(aka IFIP Working Group 2.1 working paper 705 WIN-2)
BFNLazy.hs [2K]
My rediscovery of the lazy algorithm, in a slightly different setting
(September 8, 2009)
At ICFP 2009, somehow this problem came up in a conversation with Shin-Cheng Mu. He asked about a lazy solution -- which I thought up later that evening. When I told it to him the next day, along with the story about showing Chris Okasaki my complicated solution, it turned out that Shin-Cheng Mu remembers that scene too. We met, unawares, back then. (Shin-Cheng Mu has recounted this event on his personal blog.)
Also at ICFP 2009, I mentioned my lazy breadth-first numbering to Doaitse Swierstra. `Of course', he exclaimed -- and wrote on the napkin the Attribute Grammar presentation of my solution, and drew the data flow. Breadth-first labeling, it turns out, was Doaitse Swierstra's favorite problem, showing off Attribute Grammars. Doaitse Swierstra had deep intuitions. He shall be sorely missed.