Numerical Math Class Library $Id: README,v 4.4 2002/11/29 20:55:02 oleg Exp oleg $ ***** Platforms ***** Verification files ***** Highlights and idioms ----- Data classes and view classes ----- Matrix streams ----- Subranging a stream ----- Streams over an arbitrary rectangular block of a matrix ----- Matrix streams vs. C++ iterators ----- Direct access to matrix elements ----- Const and Writable views ----- Never return non-trivial objects (matrices or vectors) ----- Lazy matrices ----- Lazy matrices and expression templates ----- Accessing row/col/diagonal of a matrix without much fuss ----- Nested functions ----- SVD decomposition and its applications ----- Functor as a function pointer ***** Revision history ***** Comments, questions, problem reports, etc. are all very welcome. Please mail me at or or ***** Platforms I have personally compiled and tested LinAlg 4.4 on FreeBSD 4.6.2-RELEASE with gcc 2.95.3 and gcc 3.2.1 The previous (4.3) version also works on FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE i386, egcs-2.91.66 Linux 2.0.33 i586, gcc HP 9000/770, HP-UX 10.10, gcc 2.8.1 (with optimization off) UltraSparcII, Solaris 2.6, gcc 2.8.1 (with optimization off) PowerMac 8500/132, BeOS Release 4, Metrowerk's CodeWarrior C++ Pentium, WinNT 4.0, Visual C++ 5.0 The previous (4.1) version also works on SunSparc20/Solaris 2.4, gcc 2.7.2 and SunWorkshopPro SGI, gcc 2.7.2 and SGI's native compiler PowerMac 7100/80, 8500/132, Metrowerk's CodeWarrior C++, v. 11-12 DEC Alpha (Digital UNIX Version 5.60), gcc 2.7.2 Note: if g++ version 2.8.1 is used to compile LinAlg, optimization must be turned off. Otherwise, the compiler crashes with internal compiler errors. Other compilers as well as egcs-2.91.66 and gcc v2.7.2 don't seem to have this problem. ***** Verification files: vmatrix vvector vmatrix1 vmatrix2 vlastreams vali vhjmin vfminbr vzeroin vsvd vslesing Don't forget to compile and run them, see comments in the Makefile for details. The verification code checks to see that all the functions in this package have compiled and run well. The validation code can also serve as an illustration of how package's classes and functions can be used. For each verification executable, the distribution includes a corresponding *.dat file, containing the output produced by that validation code on one particular platform. You can use these files for reference or as a base for regression tests. ***** Highlights and idioms ----- Data classes and view classes Objects of a class Matrix are the only ones that _own_ data, that is, 2D grids of REALs. All other classes provide different views of/into the grids: in 2D, in 1D (a view of all matrix elements linearly arranged in a column major order), a view of a single matrix row, column, or the diagonal, a view of a rectangular subgrid, etc. The views are designed to be as lightweight as possible: most of the view functionality could be inlined. That is why views do not have any virtual functions. View classes are supposed to be final, in Java parlance: It makes little sense to inherit from them. Indeed, views are designed to provide general and many special ways of accessing matrix elements, as safely and efficiently as possible. Views turn out to be so flexible that many former Matrix methods can now be implemented outside of the Matrix class. These methods can do their job without a privileged access to Matrix' internals while not sacrificing performance. Examples of such methods: comparison of two matrices, multiplication of a matrix by a diagonal of another matrix. ----- Matrix streams Matrix streams provide a sequential view/access to a matrix or its parts. Many of Linear Algebra algorithms actually require only sequential access to a matrix or its rows/columns, which is simpler and faster than a random access. That's why LinAlg stresses streams. There are two kinds of sequential views: ElementWise streams are transient views that exist only for the duration of an elementwise action. Hence these views don't require a "locking" of a matrix. On the other hand, LAStream and the ilk are more permanent views. An application traverses the stream at its own convenience, book-marking certain spots and possibly returning to them later. An LAStream does assert a shared lock on the matrix, to prevent the grid of matrix values from moving or disappearing. A stream-wise access to a collection is an important access method, which may even be supported by hardware. For example, Pentium III new floating-point extension (Internet Streaming SIMD Extension) lets programmers designate arrays as streams and provides instructions to handle such data efficiently (Internet Streaming SIMD Extensions, Shreekant (Ticky) Thakkar and Tom Huff, Computer, Vol. 32, No. 12, December 1999, pp. 26-34). Streaming is a typical memory access model of DSPs: that's why DSP almost never incorporate a data cache (See "DSP Processors Hit the Mainstream," Jennifer Eyre and Jeff Bier, Computer, Vol. 31, No. 8, August 1998, pp. 51-59). A memory architecture designed in an article "Smarter Memory: Improving Bandwidth for Streamed References" (IEEE Computer, July 1998, pp.54-63) achieves low overall latencies because the CPU is told by a compiler that a stream operation is to follow. LAStreams lift this important streaming access model to the level of an application programmer. Again, LAStreamIn etc. are meant to denote a stream under user's control, which the user can create and play with for some time, getting elements, moving the current position, etc. That is, LAStreamIn and the Matrix object from which the stream was created (whose view the stream is) can coexist. This arrangement is dangerous as one can potentially dispose of the container before all of its views are closed. To guard against this, a view asserts a "shared lock" on a matrix grid. Any operation that disposes of the grid or potentially moves it in memory (like resize_to()) checks this lock. Actually, it tries to assert an exclusive lock. Exclusive locking of a matrix object will always fail if there are any outstanding shared locks. In contrast, ElementWiseConst and ElementWise are meant to be transient, created only for the duration of a requested operation. That's why it is syntactically impossible to dispose of the matrix that is being viewed through a ElementWiseConst or ElementWise object. These objects do not have any public constructors. This prevents a user from building the view on his own (and forgetting to delete it). Therefore creation of ElementWiseConst objects does not require asserting any locks, which makes this class rather "light". Matrix streams may stride a matrix by an arbitrary amount. This allows traversing of a matrix along the diagonal, by columns, by rows, etc. Streams can be constructed of a Matrix itself, or from other matrix views (MatrixColumn, MatrixRow, MatrixDiag). In the latter case, the streams are confined only to specific portions of the matrix. Many methods and functions have been re-written to take advantage of the streams. Notable examples: // Vector norms are computed via the streams: inline double Vector::norm_1(void) const { return of_every(*this).sum_abs(); } inline double Vector::norm_2_sqr(void) const { return of_every(*this).sum_squares(); } inline double Vector::norm_inf(void) const { return of_every(*this).max_abs(); } The methods ElementWiseConst::sum_abs(), sum_squares(), and max_abs() can also be applied to two collections. In this case, they work through element-by-element differences between the collections. An example of using LAStreams: // Aitken-Lagrange interpolation (see double ALInterp::interpolate() { LAStreamIn args(arg); // arg and val are vectors LAStreamOut vals(val); register double valp = vals.peek(); // The best approximation found so far register double diffp = DBL_MAX; // abs(valp - prev. to valp) // Compute the j-th row of the Aitken scheme and // place it in the 'val' array for(register int j=2; j<=val.q_upb(); j++) { register double argj = (args.get(), args.peek()); register REAL& valj = (vals.get(), vals.peek()); args.rewind(); vals.rewind(); // rewind the vector streams for(register int i=1; i<=j-1; i++) { double argi = args.get(); valj = ( vals.get()*(q-argj) - valj*(q-argi) ) / (argi - argj); } .... } return valp; } Note, all the streams are light-weight: they use no heap storage and leave no garbage. All the operations in the snippets above are inlined. A stride of a stride stream doesn't have to be an even multiple of the number of elements in the corresponding collection, as the following not-so-trivial example shows. It places a 'value' at the _anti_-diagonal of a matrix m: m.clear(); LAStrideStreamOut m_str(m,m.q_nrows()-1); m_str.get(); // Skip the first element for(register int i=0; ij) inline void SVD::rotate(Matrix& U, const int i, const int j, const double cos_ph, const double sin_ph) { MatrixColumn Ui(U,i), Uj(U,j); for(register int l=1; l<=U.q_row_upb(); l++) { REAL& Uil = Ui(l); REAL& Ujl = Uj(l); const REAL Ujl_was = Ujl; Ujl = cos_ph*Ujl_was + sin_ph*Uil; Uil = -sin_ph*Ujl_was + cos_ph*Uil; } } The version 4.3 of the package rewrites this code in the following way, avoiding random access to Matrix elements (and incident range checks for MatrixColumns' indices). inline void SVD::rotate(Matrix& U, const int i, const int j, const double cos_ph, const double sin_ph) { LAStreamOut Ui(MatrixColumn (U,i)); LAStreamOut Uj(MatrixColumn (U,j)); while( !Ui.eof() ) { REAL& Uil = Ui.get(); REAL& Ujl = Uj.get(); const REAL Ujl_was = Ujl; Ujl = cos_ph*Ujl_was + sin_ph*Uil; Uil = -sin_ph*Ujl_was + cos_ph*Uil; } } LinAlg's implementation and validation code provides many more examples of flexibility, clarity, and efficiency of streams. ----- Subranging a stream LinAlg 4.3 implements subranging of a stream: creation of a new stream that spans over a part of another. The latter can be either a stride 1 or an arbitrary stride stream. The new stream may not _extend_ the old one: subranging is therefore a safe operation. A child stream is always confined within its father's boundaries. A substream, once created, lives independently of its parent: either of them can go out of scope without affecting the other. To create a substream, one has to specify its range as a [lwb,upb] pair: an all-inclusive range. The 'lwb' may also be given as -IRange::INF, and 'upb' as IRange::INF. These special values are interpreted intelligently. Given an output stream, one may create either an immutable, input substream, or allow modifications to a part of the original stream. Obviously, given a read-only stream, only read-only substreams may be created: the compiler will see to that at _compile_ time. File provides a good example of using substreams to efficiently reflect the upper triangle of a square matrix onto the lower one (yielding a symmetric matrix). See and SVD for more extensive examples of subranging. As a good illustration to the power and efficiency of streams, consider the following snippet from SVD::left_householder() (file In LinAlg 3.2, the snippet was programmed as: for(j=i+1; j<=N; j++) // Transform i+1:N columns of A { MatrixColumn Aj(A,j); REAL factor = 0; for(k=i; k<=M; k++) factor += UPi(k) * Aj(k); // Compute UPi' * A[,j] factor /= beta; for(k=i; k<=M; k++) Aj(k) -= UPi(k) * factor; } Version 4.3 uses substreams (which span only a part of matrix' columns): IRange range = IRange::from(i - A.q_col_lwb()); LAStreamOut UPi_str(MatrixColumn(A,i),range); ... for(register int j=i+1; j<=N; j++) // Transform i+1:N columns of A { LAStreamOut Aj_str(MatrixColumn(A,j),range); REAL factor = 0; while( !UPi_str.eof() ) factor += UPi_str.get() * Aj_str.get(); // Compute UPi' * A[,j] factor /= beta; for(UPi_str.rewind(), Aj_str.rewind(); !UPi_str.eof(); ) Aj_str.get() -= UPi_str.get() * factor; UPi_str.rewind(); } ----- Streams over an arbitrary rectangular block of a matrix LinAlg 4.3 permits LAstreams that span an arbitrary rectangular block of a matrix (including the whole matrix, a single matrix element, a matrix row or a column, or a part thereof). You simply specify a matrix, and the range of rows and columns to include in the stream. verification code shows very many examples. The following is a annotated snippet from vlastreams' output (vlastreams.dat) ---> Test LABlockStreams for 2:12x0:20 checking accessing of the whole matrix as a block stream... checking modifying the whole matrix as a block stream... # The first column of m checking LABlockStreams clipped as [-INF,INF] x [-INF,0] # The second column of m checking LABlockStreams clipped as [2,INF] x [1,1] # A part of the last column of m checking LABlockStreams clipped as [3,12] x [20,INF] # The first row of m checking LABlockStreams clipped as [-INF,2] x [0,INF] # The second row of m checking LABlockStreams clipped as [3,3] x [-INF,20] # A part of the last row of m checking LABlockStreams clipped as [12,INF] x [-INF,19] # The first matrix element checking LABlockStreams clipped as [2,2] x [0,0] # The last matrix element checking LABlockStreams clipped as [12,INF] x [20,INF] # A 2x3 block at the upper-right corner checking LABlockStreams clipped as [3,4] x [18,INF] # A 3x2 block at the lower-left corner checking LABlockStreams clipped as [9,11] x [2,3] checking modifying LABlockStreams clipped as [4,4] x [3,3] With block streams, it is trivial to assign a block of one matrix to a block of another matrix. See for examples. ----- Matrix streams vs. C++ iterators In his "C Programming" column (Dr.Dobb's Journal, March 2000, pp. 107-110), Al Stevens wrote: "the trouble with [C++] iterators is that their validity is perishable. If you use one to step through a container, the iterator's value is reliable as long as you don't modify the container. If, for example, during the iteration you insert an object into the container, the system might allocate memory to increase the size of the container. This process seldom leaves the container in its original location, which means all existing iterators are no longer valid" and using them in any way may crash the program. std::vector cntr; // ... put ints into cntr std::vector::iterator iter; for(iter = cntr.begin(); iter != cntr.end(); iter++) { // access *iter cntr.push_back(123); // adds an object to the container // may potentially reallocate // container's memory // any use of iter: as *iter or iter++ // after this point may crash the program } Al Stevens went on to suggest some kind of "assertions" to test every time an iterator is being used. LAStreams almost literally implement this idea. Only the assertion is tested when LAStream is created (rather than every time it is used); every operation that can reallocate the collection makes sure there is no outstanding view (i.e., "iterator"). Using Al Stevens terminology, LAStreams are smarter than STL iterators -- and almost as efficient as all operations on LAStreams are inlined. ----- Direct access to matrix elements In LinAlg 3.2 and earlier, a Matrix contained a column index. The index was used to speed up direct access to matrix elements (like in m(i,j)). The index was allocated on heap and initialized upon Matrix construction. In LinAlg 4+, a Matrix object no longer allocates any index. The Matrix class therefore does not allow direct access to matrix elements. This is done on purpose, to slim down matrices and make them easier to build. Many linear algebra operations actually require only sequential access to matrix elements. Thus the column index and other direct access facilities are often redundant. If one does need to access arbitrary elements of a matrix, the package offers several choices. One may use a special MatrixDA view, which is designed to provide an efficient direct access to a matrix grid. The MatrixDA view allocates and builds a column index, and uses it to efficiently compute a reference to the (i,j)-th element: Matrix ethc = m; MatrixDA eth(ethc); for(register int i=eth.q_row_lwb(); i<=eth.q_row_upb(); i++) for(register int j=eth.q_col_lwb(); j<=eth.q_col_upb(); j++) eth(i,j) *= v(j); see the validation code vmatrix*.cc, for more details. If creating of an index seems like overkill, one may use MatrixRow, matrixColumn or MatrixDiag. For example, the following statements are all equivalent: MatrixRow(m,2)(3) = M_PI; MatrixColumn(m,3)(2) = M_PI; MatrixDA ma(m); ma(2,3) = M_PI; (MatrixDA(m))(2,3) = M_PI; Unlike Matrix itself, a Vector and all matrix views (MatrixRow, MatrixColumn, MatrixDiag) allow direct access to their elements. In most of the cases, MatrixDA behaves like a matrix. On occasions when one needs to get hold of a real matrix, he can always use MatrixDA::ref() or MatrixDA::get_container() methods: Matrix mc(-1,10,1,20); MatrixDA m(mc); m.get_container().clear(); verify_element_value(m,0); Again, it is strongly encouraged to use stream-lined matrix operations as much as possible. As an example, finding of a matrix inverse and computing of a determinant are implemented in this package using only sequential matrix access. It is possible indeed to avoid direct access. ----- Const and Writable views There are two flavors of every matrix view: a const and a writable views, for example: ConstMatrixDA and MatrixDA, ConstMatrixColumn and MatrixColumn, ElementWiseConst and ElementWise, LAStreamIn and LAStreamOut. A const view can be constructed around a const matrix reference. A const view provides methods that do not alter the matrix: methods that query matrix elements, compare them, compute norms and other cumulative quantities (sum of squares, max absolute value, etc). A writable view is a subclass of the const view. That means that a writable view allows all the query/comparison operations that the corresponding const view implements. In addition, a writable view permits modification of matrix elements, via assignment or other related operations (+=, *=, etc). Needless to say one needs a non-const matrix reference to construct a writable view: cout << " compare (m = pattern^2)/pattern with pattern\n"; m = pattern; to_every(m1) = pattern; to_every(m).sqr(); assert( of_every(m).max_abs() == pattern*pattern ); to_every(m) /= of_every(m1); verify_element_value(m,pattern); to_every() makes a writable ElementWise view, while of_every() makes a ElementWiseConst view. ----- Never return non-trivial objects (matrices or vectors) Danger: For example, when the following snippet Matrix foo(const int n) { Matrix foom(n,n); fill_in(foom); return foom; } Matrix m = foo(5); runs, it constructs matrix foo:foom, copies it onto stack as a return value and destroys foo:foom. The return value (a matrix) from foo() is then copied over to m via a copy constructor. After that, the return value is destroyed. The matrix constructor is called 3 times and the destructor 2 times. For big matrices, the cost of multiple constructing/copying/destroying of objects may be very large. *Some* optimized compilers can do a little better. That still leaves at least two calls to the Matrix constructor. LazyMatrices (see below) can construct a Matrix m "inplace", with only a _single_ call to the constructor. ----- Lazy matrices Instead of returning an object return a "recipe" how to make it. The full matrix would be rolled out only when and where it is needed: Matrix haar = haar_matrix(5); haar_matrix() is a *class*, not a simple function. However similar this looks to returning of an object (see the note above), it is dramatically different. haar_matrix() constructs a LazyMatrix, an object just of a few bytes long. A special "Matrix(const LazyMatrix& recipe)" constructor follows the recipe and makes the matrix haar() right in place. No matrix element is moved whatsoever! Another example of matrix promises is REAL array[] = {0,-4,0, 1,0,0, 0,0,9 }; test_svd_expansion(MakeMatrix(3,3,array,sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))); Here, MakeMatrix is a LazyMatrix that promises to deliver a matrix filled in from a specified array. Function test_svd_expansion(const Matrix&) forces the promise: the compiler makes a temporary matrix, fills it in using LazyMatrix's recipe, and passes it out to test_svd_expansion(). Once the function returns, the temporary matrix is disposed of. All this goes behind the scenes. See for more details (this is where the fragment was snipped from). Lazy matrices turned out so general and convenient that they subsumed glorified constructors (existed in the previous version of the LinAlg). It is possible to write now: Matrix A = zero(B); Matrix C = unit(B); Matrix D = transposed(B); A = unit(B); D = inverse(B); In all these cases, the result is computed right in-place, no temporary matrices are created or copied. Here's a more advanced example, Matrix haar = haar_matrix(5); Matrix unitm = unit(haar); Matrix haar_t = transposed(haar); Matrix hht = haar * haar_t; // NB! And it's efficient! Matrix hht1 = haar; hht1 *= haar_t; Matrix hht2 = zero(haar); hht2.mult(haar,haar_t); verify_matrix_identity(unitm,hht); verify_matrix_identity(unitm,hht1); verify_matrix_identity(unitm,hht2); With lazy matrices, it is possible to express a matrix multiplication in a "natural way", without the usual penalties: C = A * B; Here again, the star operator does not actually multiply the matrices. It merely constructs a lazy matrix, a promise to compute the product (when the destination of the product becomes known). The promise is then forced by the assignment to matrix C. A check is made that the dimensions of the promise are compatible with those of the target. The result will be computed right into matrix's C grid, no temporary storage is ever allocated/used. As even more interesting example, consider the following snippet from the verification code: verify_matrix_identity(m * morig,unit(m)); Here both argument expressions compute matrix promises; the promises are forced by parameter passing, so that the function can compare the resulting matrices and verify that they are identical. The forced matrices are discarded afterwards (as we don't need them). Note how this statement leaves no garbage. A file tries to prove that LazyMatrices do indeed improve performance. You can see this for yourself by compiling and running this code on your platform. LazyMatrices are typically 2 to three (Metrowerks C++, BeOS) times as efficient. ----- Lazy matrices and expression templates Lazy matrices and expression templates are a bit different. Expression templates are a _parser_ of expressions, an embedded language. They parse an expression like C = A*B; at compile time and generate the most efficient, inlined code. This however places an immense burden on a compiler. For one thing, the compiler has to optimize out _very_ many temporary objects of various types, which emulate Expression templates parser's stack. The compiler should be able to automatically instantiate templates; gcc until recently couldn't, and even now I won't dare to ask it to. Furthermore, one has to be very careful writing expression templates: every type of expression (multiplication, addition, parenthesized expression, left-right multiplication by a scalar (a double, float,...)), etc. requires its own template. One has to make sure that multiplication is indeed performed ahead of addition, according to usual operation priorities, as in D = A + B*C; Templates are not the best tool to write parsers to start with. The very need to write one's own parser in C++ (which already has a parser) appears rather contrived: this may show that C++ might not be the right language for such problems after all. Lazy matrices do not require any templates at all; multiplication itself as in C = A*B; is performed by a separate function, which may be a library function and may not even be written in C++: as a typical BLAS, matrix multiplication can be coded in assembly to take the best advantage of certain architectures. Lazy matrices is a technique of dealing with an operation like A*B when its target is not yet known. In the standard C++ paradigm, the expression is evaluated and the result is placed into a temporary. Lazy matrices offer a way to delay the execution until the target, the true and the final recipient of the product, becomes known. One doesn't need any matrix temporary then. Lazy computation is the standard fare of functional programming; in Haskell, all computation is lazy. That is, a Haskell code isn't in a hurry to execute an operation, it waits to see if the results are really necessary, and if so, where to place them. It's interesting that a similar technique is possible in C++ as well. As lazy matrices and expression templates are rather independent, one can mix and match them freely. ----- Accessing row/col/diagonal of a matrix without much fuss (and without moving a lot of stuff around) Matrix m(n,n); Vector v(n); to_every(MatrixDiag(m)) += 4; // increments the diag elements of m // by 4 v = of_every(ConstMatrixRow(m,1)); // Saves a matrix row into a vector MatrixColumn(m,1)(2) = 3; // the same as m(2,1)=3, but does not // require constructing of MatrixDA (MatrixDiag(m))(3) = M_PI; // assigning pi to the 3d diag element Note, constructing of, say, MatrixDiag does *not* involve any copying of any elements of the source matrix. No heap storage is used either. ----- Nested functions For example, creating of a Hilbert matrix can be done as follows: void foo(const Matrix& m) { Matrix m1 = zero(m); struct MakeHilbert : public ElementAction { void operation(REAL& element, const int i, const int j) { element = 1./(i+j-1); } }; m1.apply(MakeHilbert()); } A special method Matrix::hilbert_matrix() is still more optimal, but not by the whole lot. The class MakeHilbert is declared *within* a function and is local to that function. This means one can define another MakeHilbert class (within another function or outside of any function - in the global scope), and it will still be OK. Another example is application of a simple function to each matrix element void foo(Matrix& m, Matrix& m1) { class ApplyFunction : public ElementWiseAction { double (*func)(const double x); void operator () (REAL& element) { element = func(element); } public: ApplyFunction(double (*_func)(const double x)) : func(_func) {} }; to_every(m).apply(ApplyFunction(sin)); to_every(m1).apply(ApplyFunction(cos)); } Validation code and contains a few more examples of this kind (especially ----- SVD decomposition and its applications Class SVD performs a Singular Value Decomposition of a rectangular matrix A = U * Sig * V'. Here, matrices U and V are orthogonal; matrix Sig is a diagonal matrix: its diagonal elements, which are all non-negative, are singular values (numbers) of the original matrix A. In another interpretation, the singular values are eigenvalues of matrix A'A. Application of SVD: _regularized_ solution of a set of simultaneous linear equations Ax=B. Matrix A does _not_ have to be a square matrix. If A is a MxN rectangular matrix with M>N, the set Ax=b is obviously overspecified. The solution x produced by SVD_inv_mult would then be the least-norm solution, that is, a least-squares solution. Note, B can be either a vector (Mx1-matrix), or a "thick" matrix. If B is chosen to be a unit matrix, then x is A's inverse, or a pseudo-inverse if A is non-square and/or singular. An example of using SVD: SVD svd(A); cout << "condition number of matrix A " << svd.q_cond_number(); Vector x = SVD_inv_mult(svd,b); // Solution of Ax=b Note that SVD_inv_mult is a LazyMatrix. That is, the actual computation occurs not when the object SVD_inv_mult is constructed, but when it's required (in an assignment). ----- Functor as a function pointer Package's fminbr(), zeroin(), hjmin() are functions of "the higher order": they take a function, any function, and try to find out a particular property of it - a root or a minimum. In LinAlg 3.2 and earlier, this function under investigation was specified as a pointer to a C/C++ function. For example, static int counter; static double f1(const double x) // Test from the Forsythe book { counter++; return (sqr(x)-2)*x - 5; } main() { counter = 0; const double a = 0, const double b = 1.0; const double found_location_of_min = fminbr(a,b,f1); printf("\nIt took %d iterations\n",counter); } Note that function f1(x) under investigation had a side-effect: it alters a 'counter', to count the total number of function's invocations. Since f1(x) is called (by fminbr()) with only single argument, the 'counter' has to be declared an external variable. This makes it exposed to other functions of the package, which may inadvertently change its value. Also, the main() function should know that f1() uses this parameter 'counter', which main() must initialize properly (because the function f1() obviously can't do that itself) The new, 4.0 version of the package provides a more general way to specify a function to operate upon. A math_num.h file declares a generic function class, a functor, which takes a single floating-point argument and returns a single FP (double) number as the result: struct UnivariateFunctor { virtual double operator() (const double x) = 0; }; The user should specialize this abstract base class, inheriting from it and specifying "double operator()" to be a function being investigated. The user may also add his own data members and methods to his derived class, which would serve as an "environment" for the function being optimized. The user should then instantiate this class (thus initializing the environment), and pass the instance to fminbr(). The environment will persist even after fminbr() returns, so the user may use accumulated results it may contain. For example, // Declaration of a particular functor class class F1 : public UnivariateFunctor { protected: int counter; // Counts calls to the function const char * const title; public: ATestFunction(const char _title []) : counter(0), title(_title) {} double operator() (const double x) { counter++; return (sqr(x)-2)*x - 5; } int get_counter(void) const { return counter; } }; main() { const double a = 0, const double b = 1.0; F1 f1("from the Forsythe book"); // Instantiating the functor const double found_location_of_min = fminbr(a,b,f1); printf("\nIt took %d iterations\n",f1.get_counter()); } Note how similar this looks to the previous example. The way fminbr() is called hasn't changed at all! This is to be expected: from the operational point of view, a function class is almost identical to a function pointer. In a sense, a function class is a syntactic wrapper around a function pointer, which is tucked away into a virtual table of UnivariateFunctor class. However, there are some differences: For one, main() does not care any more about global data f1() may use, and how they should be initialized. It's the job of a functor's constructor. Also, since the function pointer itself as well as function's private environment ('counter', for example) are hidden, there is no way one can mess them up, leave uninitialized, or use inappropriately. The validation code and shows further refinement of this idea. Please mail me if you have any question or comment. ***** Grand plans Computing of a random orthogonal matrix Saving/loading of a matrix Sparse matrices Kalman filters assert/assure: select exit()/abort() based on the platform rather than a compiler (MWERKS). Finding matrix Extrema (and extrema of abs(matrix)) Compute X'AX for a square matrix Compute x'Ax (a square form) Asymmetry index Add an ArithmeticProgression class ("virtual" constant vector) Recompile and beautify FFT and SVD parts, taking advantage of streams as much as possible. For example, FFT should take and transform a StrideStream rather than a vector. In that case, one can apply FFT to the whole matrix, or a separate matrix row or a column. Make FFT itself a stream class (a Complex stream). This will obviate the need for FFT:real(), FFT::abs(), FFT::abs_half() etc. methods. In FFT, add functions to compute 2D sin/cos transforms. Make an FFT FAQ (questions I answered through e-mail,e.g., 2D FFT, DFT vs. Fourier integral, etc). Describe in detail how to perform an inverse transform. Make a special class for a SymmetricMatrix When gcc starts supporting member function templates, make iterator classes for iterating over a vector, two vectors, Matrix slices, etc. Code to verify a matrix (pseudo)inverse, that is, test Moore-Penrose conditions XAX = X, AXA = A; AX and XA are symmetric (that is, AX = (AX)', etc.) where X is a (pseudo)inverse of A. Another SVD application: compute a covariance matrix for a given design matrix X, i.e. find the inverse of X'X for a rectangular matrix X. SVD optimization: when solving Ax=b via SVD, one doesn't need to accumulate matrix U: one can apply the transformations directly to b. That is, make SVD take matrices U,V as input (which must be appropriately initialized), so SVD would accumulate transformations in them. U,V don't have to be initialized as unit matrices at all (and may be omitted). Add ispline(): building a spline and integrating it Add slehol: solve a set of SLE with a symmetric matrix Lazy matrix operators A+B, multtranspose(A,B), etc. Overload operator "," for inline filling in of vectors, as in Vector v = VectorInline, 0, 1.0, 3; which creates a vector of three elements and assigns initial values to them. Introduce matrix streams of the second order, that is, a stream that traverses a matrix column-by-column, and can create a column stream to access the current column. The same for the rows. Note an article "Scientific Computing: C++ vs Fortran", Nov 1997 issue of DDJ (described in my DDJ notes) Add dump(), validate() methods to every class! Note suggestions by Marco Tenuti (in particular, computing the rank of a matrix) Maybe I have to make a (protected) method "bool Matrix::q_within(const REAL * const p) const" and use it in LAStreamIn, etc. wherever I need to make sure the pointer is within matrix's grid. Maybe this should be Matrix::ConstReference's method. Consider adding MAC (multiply-accumulate) "instruction" similar to the one in DSP. Add streams over Matrix triangles (although they can easily be emulated with regular or block streams -- and appropriate 'seek'-ing). Construct ElementWiseConst from LAStreamIn or LAStreamOut; Make all ElementWise iterators (to_every(), of_every() constructors) accept an IRange argument. Note mentioning of LinAlg in Replace all 'double' with REAL_EXT Think about combinators of a form of_every(of_every1,of_every2); In particular, "ElementWiseAction& apply(ElementWiseAction1& functor, ConstElementWise&);" where functor takes one argument and returns one value. Generalize this 'apply' to take two ConstStreams and a functor that takes two arguments. This is similar to Scheme's map. Thus it should be possible to write "to_every(V).apply(adder(x),of_every(V1));" to compute V += V1*x; How to calculate: M = N*H*3.5; without modifying the matrices N and H? (Boris Holscher's question). A member function to return the first element of the matrix, so one can easily convert a 1x1 matrix to a scalar (Boris Holscher's suggestion) Note a similarity between streams and restricted pointers (C99 feature). Restricted pointers are a means of asserting an aliasing constraint: if an array is not being modified via a restricted pointer, a compiler may assume the array is not being modified at all. Increase the precision in -- replace REAL and especially floats with double wherever possible. ***** Revision history Version 4.4 (Thanksgiving 2002) A number of changes to make the code compile on GCC 2.95.x and GCC 3.2. The changes are mostly related to the selection of header files, std:: namespace, cout and other ostreams. Some code, dealing with an implicit construction of LAStreams had to be changed as well. Alas, the latest versions of GCC don't allow as much flexibility and expressiveness in this regard. Added more pieces of sample code, to illustrate particular LinAlg usage patterns: filling out a Matrix from STL vectors, a "cookbook" recipe for solving Ax=B, a recipe for obtaining a pseudo-inverse of a singular non-square matrix Added a section to this README about LAStreams vs. C++ iterators Version 4.3 (Christmas 1998) Improved portability: LinAlg now compiles with gcc 2.8.1, Visual C++ and Metrowerk's C++. I heard that SGI's native compiler takes LinAlg 4.3 as well. The package is complete now: SVD and FFT have been finally ported from the 3.2 version. Genuine Lambda-abstractions: see and MinMax class (in LinALg.h) is extended with methods to permit accumulation of min and max; see for a usage example. Introducing IRange and IRangeStride classes in LinALg.h Added an explanation of differences between Lazy Matrices and expression template styles. See this README file, above. Introducing streams over an arbitrary rectangular block of a matrix All streams have now an ability to 'seek(offset, seek_dir)' in a manner similar to that of ordinary iostreams. In particular, one can 'ignore(how_many)' elements in a stream. See the explanation above for more details. One can _subrange_ a stream: create a new stream that spans over a part of another. The new stream may not _extend_ the old one. When specifying range boundaries, -INF and INF are permitted, and interpreted intelligently. One may create an input stream as a subrange of an output stream. See notes above for more details. Changed ElementAction and ConstElementAction: they are now pure interfaces; the index of the current element is passed as an argument to the interface's 'operation' Note, SVD::rotate is actually a general-purpose function. builtin.h provides now its own implementation of div() on Linux. The implementation of div() in linux's libc.a does not agree with gcc's optimizations (thanks to Erik Kruus for pointing this out). Added pow(double,long) and pow(long,long) to They used to be in libg++; yet libstdc++ has dropped them: they are not standard yet often convenient LAStreams.h is separated from LinAlg.h to make LinAlg.h smaller and more manageable Trivial changes to the FFT package: taking advantage of LAStreams on few occasions, making sure everything works and verifies. Version 4.1 (January 1998) Completely redesigned the entire hierarchy, based on container/view/ stream principles. See above for more details. Matrix class per se no longer provides a direct access to matrix elements. Use MatrixDA, MatrixRow, MatrixColumn, or MatrixDiag views. MatrixRow, MatrixCol, MatrixDiag, LazyMatrix all inherit from DimSpec, that is, all answer queries about their dimensions (row/col lower and upper bounds). Added lazy matrix operator * (const Matrix&B, const Matrix&C), so that it is possible to write now Matrix D = A * B; operator *= (Matrix& m, const ConstMatrixDiag& diag) is not a member of the Matrix class any more: it does not need any privileged access to a matrix object (nor ConstMatrixDiag class). The multiplication itself is implemented with streams. (and makes a good example of their usage). It is almost just as efficient as the privileged implementation: all loops are inlined, no extra procedures/functions are called while traversing the matrices and multiplying their elements. By the same token, computing of Vector norms no longer requires any direct access to vector's elements. Entire computation is a trivial application of an ElementWiseConst iterator. No need for separate operations on MatrixColumn, etc: it's enough that MatrixColumn can be tacitly converted to ElementWise stream, meaning that the whole suite of elementwise operations immediately applies. Glorified Matrix constructors are gone. They are subsumed by Lazy matrices (see the discussion above). The matrix inversion algorithm is tinkered with to avoid a direct access to matrix' elements (that is, avoid using a column matrix index). That's why a method invert() can be applied to a Matrix itself, rather than MatrixDA. Made constructors (iterators?) for a Vector from MatrixRow/Col/Diag and are re-written to take advantage of LAStreams: most of the time they use only sequential access to vector elements. New style casts (const_cast, static_cast) are used throughout. Use of mixin inheritance throughout (DimSpec, AREALStream, etc.) Tests (validation code) remained mostly unchanged. The only modifications were insertions of to_every()/of_every() in a few places. This shows how much of the LinAlg interface remained the same. ElementPrimAction is replaced with ElementWiseAction/ ElementWiseConstAction, which are to be applied to a (resp, writable and const) ElementWise stream. The code and comments in and are greatly embellished: The code is now more in the C++ true spirit. The function under investigation is now a functor (a "clause") rather than a mere function pointer; DBL_EPSILON is used throughout, instead of my own EPSILON (which is deprecated) Declarations in math_num.h are adjusted accordingly. Validation code and is almost completely re-written to take advantage and show off functors (function "clauses") as arguments to zeroin() and fminbr(). Furthermore, test cases themselves are declared as anonymous, "lambda"-like functions, similar to Scheme/Dylan even in appearance. The validation code is also expanded with new test cases, from Matlab:Demos:zerodemo.m use M_PI instead of PI (in the fft package) FFT package embellished for the new gcc is rewritten using only _serial_ access to Matrix elements. The algorithm is faster and clearer now. Makefile is beautified: c++l is gotten rid of Corrected spellings for Householder and Hooke-Jeeves corrected an insidious bug in SVD::rip_through() method of QR part of only abs values of quantities (quantity f) makes sense to compare with eps; many thanks to W. Meier now includes the test case W. Meier used to show the bug fabs() is replaced with abs() throughout the package (which does not actually change functionality, but makes the code more generic) Version 3.2 (Christmas 1995) hjmin(), Hooke-Jeeves optimization, embellished and tested beautified, using nested functions, etc. (nice style) Added SVD, singular value decomposition, and a some code to use it (Solving Ax=b, where A doesn't have to be rectangular, and b doesn't have to be a vector) Minor embellishments using bool datatype wherever appropriate short replaced by 'int' as a datatype for indices, etc.: all modern CPUs handle int more efficiently than short (and memory isn't that of a problem any more) Forcing promise (LazyMatrix) on assignment Testing Matrix(Matrix::Inverted,m) glorified constructor added retrieving an element from row/col/diag added Matrix C.mult(A,B); // Product A*B *= operation on Matrix slices Making a vector from a LazyMatrix made sure that if memory is allocated via new, it's disposed of via delete; if it was allocated via malloc/calloc, it's disposed of via free(). It's important for CodeWarrior, where new and malloc() are completely different beasts. Version 3.1 (February 1995) Deleted dummy destructors (they're better left inferred: it results in more optimal code, especially in a class with virtual functions) Minor tweaking and embellishments to please gcc 2.6.3 #included and where missing Version 3.0 (beta): only Linear Algebra package was changed got rid of a g++ extension when returning objects (in a_columns, etc) removed "inline MatrixColumn Matrix::a_column(const int coln) const" and likes: less problems with non-g++ compilers, better portability Matrix(operation::Transpose) constructors and likes, (plus like-another constructor) Zero:, Unit, constructors invert() matrix true copy constructor (*this=another; at the very end) fill in the matrix (with env) by doing ElementAction cleaned Makefile (pruned dead wood, don't growl creating libla for the first time), a lots of comments as to how to make things used M_PI instead of PI #ifndef around GNU #pragma's REAL is introduced via 'typedef' rather than via '#define': more portable and flexible added verify_element_value(), verify_matrix_identity() to the main package (used to be local functions). They are useful in writing the validation code added inplace and regular matrix multiplication: computing A*B and A'*B all matrix multiplication code is tested now implemented A*x = y (inplace (w/resizing)) Matrix::allocate() made virtual improved allocation of vectors (more optimal now) added standard function to make an orthogonal Haar matrix (useful for testing/validating purposes) Resizing a vector keeps old info now (expansion adds zeros (but still keeps old elements) universal matrix creator from a special class: Lazy Matrices Version 2.0, Mar 1994: Only LinAlg package was changed significantly Linear Algebra library was made more portable and compiles now under gcc 2.5.8 without a single warning. Added comparisons between a matrix and a scalar (for-every/all -type comparisons) More matrix slice operators implemented (operations on a col/row/diag of a matrix, assignments them to/from a vector) Other modules weren't changed (at least, significantly), but work fine with the updated libla library Version 1.1, Mar 1992 (initial revision)