) to -180 degrees when we cross the
International Date Line. Latitudes do not wrap around. Therefore, in
the body of this article, we concentrate on the one-dimensional problem
of checking two segments of a circle for intersection. The last section
generalizes to georectangles and geographical information systems.
To identify points on a circle, we pick one point as the
origin and refer to the others by their angular distance:
``longitudes''. The longitudes are measured in degrees,
counter-clockwise from the point of origin. We
will keep the longitudes within the range [-180,180)
, by
adding or subtracting 360 if necessary.
A segment X
of a circle is specified by its left end, Lx
, and its
right end, Rx
. In other words, the segment [Lx, Rx]
starts at the
point Lx
and stretches counter-clockwise to the point Rx
. The
coordinate -- longitude -- of the point Lx
may be less, equal or
greater than that of the point Rx
. We assume that all
segments are not degenerate (i.e., the endpoints are distinct) and
shorter than the full circle. We call two segments intersecting if
one segment contains an internal point of the other.
Segment A Segment B Intersect? [1, 10] [15, 20] NO [10,1] [15, 20] YES [5, 6] [4, 7] YES [6, 5] [4, 7] still YES [178, -178] [179, -179] YES [-178, 178] [179, -179] NO [178, -178] [-170, -100] NO [-178, 178] [-170, -100] YES
It is quite difficult to devise the single inequality involving
, Lb
, Ra
, and Rb
that holds if and only if the segments intersect.
[La, Ra]
and segment B [Lb, Rb]
. We assume that the longitudes,
, Ra
, Lb
, and Rb
, are the numbers within [-180,180)
diff(Ra-La) + diff(Lb-Ra) + diff(Rb-Lb) + diff(La-Rb) = 360if and only if the segments
and B
do not intersect.
Here, diff x
is x mod 360
. It normalizes x
to be within
. That is,
diff x = x if x >= 0 360+x otherwise
The algorithm is that simple: a mere computation of four sets of differences, adding 360 to make all of them positive. If these four numbers add to 360, the segments in question do not intersect.
and B
do not intersect,
the sum of the four diff
terms above is equal to 360.
Suppose [La, Ra]
and [Lb, Rb]
do not intersect. If we start at the
point La
and walk counter-clockwise, we shall encounter the following
points: La
, Ra
, Lb
, Rb
, and back to La
That means the segments [La, Ra]
, [Ra, Lb]
, [Lb, Rb]
and [Rb, La]
are all disjoint and together make up the full circle.
The function diff x
is designed so that diff (Rx-Lx)
is the length of a segment [Lx, Rx]
. The (angular) length is a
number within [0,360). The sum of diff(Ra-La)
, diff(Lb-Ra)
and diff(La-Rb)
is then the length of the full
terms is
equal to 360, then the segments do not intersect. We will prove it by
Let us assume that the sum is equal to 360 and the segments
intersect. There are three major cases to consider: (i) segment B
entirely within segment A
(or the other way around); (ii) Segment A
contains Lb
but not Rb
; (iii) Segment A
contains both
endpoints Lb
and Rb
, but not the whole [Lb, Rb]
Case 1: Segment B
is entirely within Segment A
. If we walk from La
counter-clockwise we will pass the points Lb
, Rb
, Ra
, and come back to
. Noting that diff(-x) + diff x = 360
for x > 0
, we
diff (Lb-Ra) = 360 - diff(Ra-Lb) = 360 - diff(Rb-Lb) - diff(Ra-Rb) diff (La-Rb) = 360 - diff(Rb-La) = 360 - diff(Rb-Lb) - diff(Lb-La) diff (Ra-La) = diff(Lb-La) + diff(Rb-Lb) + diff(Ra-Rb)Thus we have
diff(Ra-La) + diff(Lb-Ra) + diff(Rb-Lb) + diff(La-Rb) = 720which is contrary to our assumption that this sum is 360.
Case 2: Segment A contains Lb
but not Rb
. This implies that Rb
must be distinct from La
and Lb
must be distinct from Ra
The same walk as in Case 1 gives us the following sequence of points:
, Lb
, Ra
, Rb
, La
. Therefore
diff (Ra-La) = diff(Lb-La) + diff(Ra-Lb) diff (Lb-Ra) = 360 - diff(Ra-Lb) diff (Rb-Lb) = diff(Ra-Lb) + diff(Rb-Ra) diff (La-Rb) = 360 - diff(Rb-La) = 360 - diff(Lb-La) - diff(Ra-Lb) - diff(Rb-Ra)which means that the sum
diff(Ra-La) + diff(Lb-Ra) + diff(Rb-Lb) + diff(La-Rb) = 720and not 360 as we assumed initially.
Case 3: Segment A contains both points Lb
and Rb
but not all the points in between; for example: [6, 5]
and [4, 7]
. The walk counter-clockwise starting from La
goes through the points
, Rb
, Lb
, Ra
, and back to La
. Consider the equality
diff(Rb-La) + diff(Lb-Rb) + diff(Ra-Lb) + diff(La-Ra) = 360whose right-hand side looks almost the same as the sum we want to evaluate:
diff(Ra-La) + diff(Lb-Ra) + diff(Rb-Lb) + diff(La-Rb)However, all the differences are in ``reverse'':
diff (Ra-La)
rather than diff (La-Ra)
, etc. Keeping in mind that
diff x = 360 - diff(-x)
for x > 0
, we obtain
diff(Ra-La) + diff(Lb-Ra) + diff(Rb-Lb) + diff(La-Rb) = 1080if all four end points are distinct. If
and Rb
the same, the sum will be equal to 720. Ditto if Lb
and Ra
are the same. In any event, the result contradicts our initial
assumption. Since we assumed that segments A
and B
one segment must contain an internal point of the other. This fact
implies that La
and Rb
cannot be the same when Lb
and Ra
are the same.
The following is a query template excerpted from the production
code. The query returns the bounding boxes and the descriptions of all
satellite images that intersect the user-defined georectangle. The latter is
specified by its two corner-points: (NLAT, WLON)
SELECT lat_n, lat_s, lon_w, lon_e, descr FROM ImageDescr WHERE (SELECT image_descr FROM Timestamps) >= '2002-06-07 16:47' AND lat_s <= 'NLAT' AND lat_n >= 'SLAT' AND q_lon_intersect(lon_w,lon_e,WLON,ELON) <> 360 ORDER BY lat_n, lat_s, lon_w, lon_e FOR READ ONLY;
The query relies on the following stored procedure
, which implements the segment intersection
algorithm verbatim:
-- This q_lon_intersect(lon_w,lon_e,Query_WLON,Query_ELON) -- procedure determines if two circle segments [lon_w, lon_e] and -- [Query_WLON, Query_ELON] intersect. The procedure works correctly -- for lon_w < lon_e and lon_w >= lon_e (and similarly for Query_WLON -- and Query_ELON). -- The two circle segments intersect when the result of this procedure -- is NOT equal to 360. CREATE PROCEDURE q_lon_intersect (La SMALLFLOAT, Ra SMALLFLOAT, Lb SMALLFLOAT, Rb SMALLFLOAT) returning SMALLFLOAT; DEFINE d1, d2, d3, d4 SMALLFLOAT; LET d1, d2, d3, d4 = Ra-La, Lb-Ra, Rb-Lb, La-Rb; RETURN CASE WHEN d1 < 0 THEN 360 + d1 ELSE d1 END + CASE WHEN d2 < 0 THEN 360 + d2 ELSE d2 END + CASE WHEN d3 < 0 THEN 360 + d3 ELSE d3 END + CASE WHEN d4 < 0 THEN 360 + d4 ELSE d4 END; END PROCEDURE DOCUMENT 'Compute a SMALLFLOAT that can tell if two circle segments', 'intersect. If they do, the result of this procedure is', 'NOT equal to 360.' WITH LISTING IN '/tmp/sql.complile.log';