From Mon Sep 3 14:05:52 2001 Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 13:59:46 -0700 From: Newsgroups: comp.lang.functional Subject: _Provably_ perfect shuffle algorithms [Was: Shuffle] References: <9mm6er$2pum3$> Message-ID: <> X-comment: minor corrections and beautifications. Jul 14, 2002: Added a section on drawbacks of a sort-based shuffle algorithm Dec 30, 2008: Dave Bayer pointed out that `perfect shuffle' is a fixed term in card shuffling, referring to a deterministic interlacing. To avoid confusion, added a qualifier `random' and a footnote. Apr 23, 2009: Applied obvious optimizations; added a stress-test and its result. Sep 19, 2012: Added clarification that the input sequence is non-empty. This article will give two pure functional programs that _perfectly_, randomly and uniformly shuffle a sequence of arbitrary elements. We prove that the algorithms are correct. The algorithms are implemented in Haskell and can trivially be re-written into other (functional) languages. We also discuss why a commonly used sort-based shuffle algorithm falls short of perfect shuffling. * What is the perfect random shuffle * An imperative implementation: swapping * A sort-based algorithm and its critique * A pure-functional perfect-shuffle algorithm * Naive -- lucid but inefficient -- implementation * Efficient implementation based on complete binary trees * Performance test * A note on repeats in a sequence of random numbers * A note on perfect shuffle of cards * What is the perfect (ideal) random shuffle Let's consider a non-empty sequence of n elements: (e1, e2, ...en), n >= 1. Intuitively, the perfect random shuffle will be a permutation chosen uniformly at random from the set of all possible n! permutations. Let (b1, b2, ... bn) be such a random permutation. Of all n! permutations, (n-1)! of them will have e1 at the first position, (n-1)! more will have element e2 at the first position, etc. Therefore, in the perfect random shuffle (b1, b2, ... bn) b1 is uniformly randomly chosen among {e1, ... en}. The second element b2 of the shuffled sequence is uniformly randomly chosen among {e1, ... en} - {b1}. The third element of the shuffle b3 is uniformly randomly chosen among {e1, ... en} - {b1, b2}, etc. Therefore, to perform a perfect random shuffle, we need a sequence of numbers (r1, r2, ... rn) where r1 is a sample of a random quantity uniformly distributed within [0..n-1]. r2 is an independent sample of a random quantity uniformly distributed within [0..n-2]. Finally, rn is 0. It easy to see that the joint probability of (r1, r2, ... rn) is 1/n * 1/(n-1) * ... 1 = 1/n! -- which is to be expected. * An imperative implementation: swapping The imperative implementation of the algorithm is well known. Let's arrange the input non-empty sequence (e1, e2, ...en) into an array 'a' so that initially a[i] = ei, i=1..n. At step 1, we choose a random number r1 uniformly from [0..n-1]. Thus a[1+r1] will be the first element of the permuted sample, b1. We swap a[1+r1] and a[1]. Thus a[1] will contain b1. At step 2, we choose a random number r2 uniformly from [0..n-2]. a[2+r2] will be a uniform sample from {e1..en} - {b1}. After we swap a[2] and a[2+r2], a[2] will be b2, and a[3..n] will contain the remaining elements of the original sequence, {e1..en} - {b1,b2}. After n-1 steps, we're done. The imperative algorithm in OCaml has been already posted on this thread. * A sort-based algorithm and its critique A commonly used shuffle algorithm attaches random tags to elements of a sequence and then sorts the sequence by the tags. Although this algorithm performs well in practice, it does not achieve the perfect random shuffling. Let us consider the simplest example (which happens to be the worst case): a sequence of two elements, [a b]. According to the shuffle-by-random-keys algorithm, we pick two binary random numbers, and associate the first number with the 'a' element, and the second number with the 'b' element. The two numbers are the tags (keys) for the elements of the sequence. We then sort the keyed sequence in the ascending order of the keys. We assume a stable sort algorithm. There are only 4 possible combinations of two binary random numbers. Therefore, there are only four possible tagged sequences: [(0,a) (0,b)] [(0,a) (1,b)] [(1,a) (0,b)] [(1,a) (1,b)] After the sorting, the sequences become: [(0,a) (0,b)] [(0,a) (1,b)] [(0,b) (1,a)] [(1,a) (1,b)] As we can see, after the sorting, the sequence [a, b] is three times more likely than the sequence [b, a]. That can't be a perfect shuffle. If we use the algorithm described in the previous two sections, we choose one binary random number. If it is 0, we leave the sequence [a, b] as it is. If the number is 1, we swap the elements. Both alternatives are equally likely. Furthermore, if we have a sequence of N elements and associate with each element a key -- a random number uniformly distributed within [0, M-1] (where N!>M>=N), we have the configurational space of size M^N (i.e., M^N ways to key the sequence). There are N! possible permutations of the sequence. Alas, for N>2 and M 0, where ri is an independent sample of a random quantity uniformly distributed within [0..n-i]. We can obtain r[i] as rng[i] mod (n-i), i 0. extract:: Integer -> [a] -> (a,[a]) -- given a non-empty list l, extract the j-th element and return the element and -- the remaining list. We won't worry about the order of the list -- of the remaining elements. j>=0. j==0 corresponds to the first element. extract 0 (h:t) = (h,t) extract j l = loop j l [] where loop 0 (h:t) accum = (h,accum ++ t) loop j (h:t) accum = loop (j-1) t (h:accum) -- given a sequence (e1,...en), n > 0, to shuffle, and a sequence -- (r1,...r[n-1]) of numbers such that r[i] is an independent sample -- from a uniform random distribution [0..n-i], compute the -- corresponding permutation of the input sequence. shuffle:: [b] -> [Integer] -> [b] shuffle [e] [] = [e] shuffle elements (r:r_others) = let (b,rest) = extract r elements in b:(shuffle rest r_others) Obviously the running time of "extract n l" is O(length(l)). Therefore, the running time of shuffle is O(n^2). ** Efficient implementation based on complete binary trees The following is a more sophisticated algorithm: -- A complete binary tree, of leaves and internal nodes. -- Internal node: Node card l r -- where card is the number of leaves under the node. -- Invariant: card >=2. All internal tree nodes are always full. data Tree a = Leaf a | Node !Int (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show -- Convert a non-empty sequence (e1...en) to a complete binary tree build_tree = grow_level . (map Leaf) where grow_level [node] = node grow_level l = grow_level $ inner l inner [] = [] inner x@[_] = x inner (e1:e2:rest) = (join e1 e2) : inner rest join l@(Leaf _) r@(Leaf _) = Node 2 l r join l@(Node ct _ _) r@(Leaf _) = Node (ct+1) l r join l@(Leaf _) r@(Node ct _ _) = Node (ct+1) l r join l@(Node ctl _ _) r@(Node ctr _ _) = Node (ctl+ctr) l r {- -- example: Main> build_tree ['a','b','c','d','e'] Node 5 (Node 4 (Node 2 (Leaf 'a') (Leaf 'b')) (Node 2 (Leaf 'c') (Leaf 'd'))) (Leaf 'e') -} -- given a non-empty sequence (e1,...en) to shuffle, and a sequence -- (r1,...r[n-1]) of numbers such that r[i] is an independent sample -- from a uniform random distribution [0..n-i], compute the -- corresponding permutation of the input sequence. shuffle1 :: [a] -> [Int] -> [a] shuffle1 elements rseq = shuffle1' (build_tree elements) rseq where shuffle1' (Leaf e) [] = [e] shuffle1' tree (ri:r_others) = extract_tree ri tree (\tree -> shuffle1' tree r_others) -- extract_tree n tree -- extracts the n-th element from the tree and returns -- that element, paired with a tree with the element -- deleted (only instead of pairing, we use CPS) -- The function maintains the invariant of the completeness -- of the tree: all internal nodes are always full. -- The collection of patterns below is deliberately not complete. -- All the missing cases may not occur (and if they do, -- that's an error. extract_tree 0 (Node _ (Leaf e) r) k = e:k r extract_tree 1 (Node 2 l@Leaf{} (Leaf r)) k = r:k l extract_tree n (Node c l@Leaf{} r) k = extract_tree (n-1) r (\new_r -> k $ Node (c-1) l new_r) extract_tree n (Node n1 l (Leaf e)) k | n+1 == n1 = e:k l extract_tree n (Node c l@(Node cl _ _) r) k | n < cl = extract_tree n l (\new_l -> k $ Node (c-1) new_l r) | otherwise = extract_tree (n-cl) r (\new_r -> k $ Node (c-1) l new_r) -- examples t1 = shuffle1 ['a','b','c','d','e'] [0,0,0,0] -- "abcde" -- Note, that rseq of all zeros leaves the sequence unperturbed. t2 = shuffle1 ['a','b','c','d','e'] [4,3,2,1] -- "edcba" -- The rseq of (n-i | i<-[1..n-1]) reverses the original sequence of elements t3 = shuffle1 ['a','b','c','d','e'] [2,1,2,0] -- "cbead" -- Just some random shuffle. The function build_tree builds a complete binary tree, of depth ceil(log2(n)). The function 'extract_tree' traverses the tree and rebuilds a truncated branch. This requires as many steps as the length of the rebuilt branch, which is at most ceil(log2(n)). To be more precise, the complexity of 'extract_tree' is ceil(log2(size(tree))), because extract_tree keeps the tree complete. The function shuffle1' invokes 'extract_tree' (n-1) times. Thus the overall complexity is O(n*logn). ** Performance test To stress-test the implementation, we shuffle a sequence of one million and one integers. import System.Random -- for tests -- Given a source of randomness g and an integer n>0, produce -- a list of [r1,...rn] of numbers such that ri is an independent sample -- from a uniform random distribution [0..n-i+1] make_rs :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> ([Int],g) make_rs n g = loop [] n g where loop acc 0 g = (reverse acc,g) loop acc n g = let (r,g') = randomR (0,n) g in loop (r:acc) (pred n) g' {- *Shuffle> make_rs 3 (mkStdGen 800) ([3,2,1],419851139 2103410263) *Shuffle> make_rs 3 (mkStdGen 80000) ([0,1,0],1034518374 2103410263) -} main = let n = 1000000 in print $ length $ shuffle1 [1..n+1] (fst $ make_rs n (mkStdGen 17)) We compile the code as ghc -O2 sh1.hs # GHC 6.8.3, Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz and run it as /usr/bin/time ./a.out +RTS -tstderr producing 1000001 <> 24.42 real 23.69 user 0.61 sys Most of the running time (14 seconds) is spent collecting garbage; the shuffling algorithm took only 9.30 seconds. There are many opportunities for deforestation (e.g., using streams instead of lists). * A note on repeats in a sequence of random numbers > > ...though you need to make sure that the randoms are all distinct, > Linear congruential generators have that property. Since they are of > the form x' <- (ax + b) mod m, you get a repeat only when the prng > loops. So a long-period will generate numbers without repeats. I'm afraid this is not true. Indeed, a linear congruential generator repeats _completely_ after a period: that is sample[i] == sample[i+period] for _all_ i. That does not mean that a particular sample cannot repeat within a period. Suppose we have a sequence of random numbers uniformly distributed within [0..M-1]. If the i-th sample has the value of x, the (i+1)-th sample may be x as well. The probability of this event is the same as the probability of the (i+1)-th sample being x+1 or any other given number within [0..M-1]. Each sample in a sequence is chosen independently. The sample of random numbers may contain subsequences (0,0,0,0) -- which are just as likely as (1,2,3,4) or (3,1,4,1) or any other given sequence of four values. In fact, this is one of the PRNG tests -- making sure that all the tuples (r1,r2) or (r1,r2,r3) appear equally likely. The infamous rand() generator fails the triples test -- and the generator was much maligned in the G.Forsythe, M.Malcolm, C.Moler book. BTW, given a sequence of random numbers, the probability that two consecutive numbers in the sequence are the same is 1/M. If we're to shuffle a sequence of 1600 elements, we are interested in random numbers distributed within [0..1599]. We need to draw at least 1599 elements to shuffle the sequence, i.e, 1598 pairs of consecutive drawings. Given that the probability of two consecutive samples being the same is 1/1600, we should rather expect to see one such pair. To be precise, the probability of occurrence of such a pair is, by binomial distribution, 1598*(1/1600)*(1599/1600)^1597, or approx 0.368. * A note on perfect shuffle of cards Dave Bayer has kindly pointed out that in the context of card shuffling, `perfect shuffle' refers to a deterministic process of interlacing the two halves of the deck. For more detail on this and other card shuffles, see Dave Bayer, Persi Diaconis Trailing the dovetail shuffle to its lair Ann. Appl. Probab. 2 (1992), no. 2, 294-313