From Mon Apr 10 18:25:29 2006 To: Subject: ANN: Dynamic binding library From: Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 18:25:29 -0700 (PDT) Status: OR Dynamic binding adds expressiveness; as Luc Moreau emphasized, it is, when used in moderation, quite useful: for parameterizing a function deep in the code without changing the interface of all callers; for propagating the environment information like the current working directory, printing-depth, etc. Dynamic binding is inescapable in mobile code or continuation-based web servers. Dynamic binding, in some restricted form, is already present in OCaml: exception handlers are dynamically bound by the 'handle' form. This message announces the availability of general dynamic binding. This is joint work with Chung-chieh Shan and Amr Sabry. Dynamic binding is implemented as a regular library (dependent on the delimited continuations library announced earlier on this list). No changes to the OCaml system and no code transformations are required; (parts of the) code that do not use dynamic variables incur no overhead and run at the same speed as before. Here's the interface: type 'a dynvar val dnew : unit -> 'a dynvar Given a dynvar, a value and a thunk, evaluate the thunk in the dynamic environment extended with the binding of the given value to the given dynvar val dlet : 'a dynvar -> 'a -> (unit -> 'w) -> 'w Dereferencing: obtain the value associated with the dynvar by the closest dynamically-enclosing dlet val dref : 'a dynvar -> 'a Mutation: obtain the current value of the dynvar and change that value to the given one. This `mutation' has the effect only within the dynamic scope of the latest dlet val dset : 'a dynvar -> 'a -> 'a Given a dynvar and a function, apply the function to the current value of the dynvar, and return the result. The application is evaluated in the dynamic environment _outside_ of the closest dynamically-enclosing dlet. val dupp : 'a dynvar -> ('a -> 'w) -> 'w Our dynamic variables are mutable (cf. fluid-variables in many Scheme systems); mutations however are visible only within the scope of the dlet statement where they occurred. Here's the simple example let test12 = let p = dnew () in dlet p 1 (fun () -> let v1 = dref p in let v2 = dlet p 2 (fun () -> let v3 = dset p 12 in let v4 = dref p in (v3,v4)) in let v5 = dref p in (v1,v2,v5)) which yields (1, (2, 12), 1). The function 'dupp' is an extension of the conventional dynamic binding. It lets us obtain not only the current binding to the dynamic variable, but any of the previous bindings as well. In general, we can fold over the execution stack as if it were a list (please see the 'nub' example in the test code below). Because dynamic binding is implemented in terms of delimited continuations, the two features harmoniously interact. We can use dynamic variables in shift-based, cooperative threads. At thread creation time, the user can `designate' some existing dynamic variables to be private to the thread; the rest are inherited from the parent. New dynamic variables and new bindings automatically become thread-private, so the above designation is accomplished with just dlet. Mutation and rebinding of private dynamic variables have effect only in the corresponding thread. Mutations to shared variables are visible to everyone. Likewise, a re-parameterization of a dynamic variable in the parent thread is visible in all child threads sharing that variable. Such partial inheritance of dynamic environment among threads is an often desired feature; luckily, it is inherent in our design and thus available `for free'. The end of the test code demonstrates the partial inheritance among the parent and two cooperatively run threads. The implementation is surprisingly, short. In particular, let dref p = shift p (fun f -> fun v -> f v v) let dset p newv = shift p (fun f -> fun v -> f v newv) let dupp p g = shift p (fun f -> fun y -> f (g y) y) with dlet taking not much longer.