The cleverest copyist is the one whose music is performed with the most ease without the performer guessing why. -- J.J.Rousseau, Dictionary of Music.
The appeal to music is not just a flourish or a veiled reference. It is the point: how pleasant is a strict language to play the classical themes from analysis: infinite power series.
As the instrument to to deal with infinite structures, lazy evaluation -- evaluating an expression only when needed and to the needed extent, memoizing the result -- has the undeniable appeal. Just look at the example, chosen to show off Haskell at
primes = filterPrime [2..] where filterPrime (p:xs) = p : filterPrime [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]Haskell does not hold the monopoly on lazy evaluation: almost any strict language supports it, just not by default. For example, the straightforward implementation of
in OCaml is as
type 'a ll = 'a lv Lazy.t and 'a lv = Cons of 'a * 'a ll | Nil let rec filter p : 'a ll -> 'a ll = function | lazy Nil -> lazy Nil | lazy (Cons (x,t)) -> let t = lazy (Lazy.force @@ filter p t) in if p x then lazy (Cons (x,t)) else t let rec iota x : int ll = lazy (Cons (x,iota (x + 1))) let primes = let rec filter_prime = function | lazy (Cons (p,xs)) -> lazy (Cons (p,filter_prime @@ filter (fun x -> x mod p <> 0) xs)) in filter_prime @@ iota 2Haskell however looks quite more attractive in comparison. It is not just the clutter of
and force
that spoils. It is the line
lazy (Lazy.force @@ filter p t)
. The simple
filter p t
in its place would have type-checked as well. Guess how that
code would have worked though. Thus not only the programmers have to use
and force
; they have to know where to use them.
One may wonder if the burden of correctly placing lazy
is the inherent defect of strict languages, or one can do better. And
what a better example to test this than the most elegant and perhaps
the most sophisticated use of lazy evaluation: power streams. Such was
the challenge posed by Kim-Ee Yeoh: write Doug McIlroy's power serious
one-liners without thunks and lazy annotations.
Doug McIlroy started his ``Music of streams'' paper with the
J.J.Rousseau's quote. Uncannily, the quote talks about our challenge:
play power streams without the performer guessing their implementation
-- without even being aware if he is working in a
strict or lazy language.
M.D. McIlroy: Power serious: power series in ten one-liners.
July 2007
M.D. McIlroy: The music of streams
Information Processing Letters 77 (2001) 189-195
<> [9K]
The complete OCaml code for the article, with more examples and
The discussion thread on Haskell-Cafe, 25 December 2015 and January 2016
a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2 + ... + an*x^n + ...
, or, in Horner rule,
a0 + x*(a1 + x*(a2 + ...))
. It is represented as the non-ending
stream of its coefficients [a0, a1, ... an, ...]
The series is always infinite, although it may
have a zero tail. McIlroy later describes the extension
to represent polynomials finitely, which is out of scope for this article.
The table below contrasts McIlroy's famous one-liners for power
stream manipulation, written in Haskell and OCaml. The Haskell code
comes verbatim from McIlroy's web page, which also explains the underlying
mathematics. In his convention, a series variable has
suffix s
, or t
when it is a tail. The OCaml code is written with
the library to be introduced later; its functions are
qualified with the module name I
. We show the inferred signatures in
the comments. When comparing code one has to keep in mind that
Haskell and OCaml differ in many respects, not just the evaluation
strategy. OCaml is in general a little bit more verbose and ungainly
at places: its syntax had to be compatible with the original (heavy)
Caml, which in turn inherited the syntax from ML of late 70's, limited
by the parsing technology of the day. Recursive definitions have to be
marked explicitly. OCaml also does not have overloading: That is why
we see not just +
but also +.
(for float addition) and +%
addition of infinite series).
series f = f : repeat 0OCaml
let series f = I.cons f I.repeat 0. (* val series : float -> float I.t *)
fromInteger c = series(fromInteger c)OCaml
let int x = series @@ float_of_int x (* val int : int -> float I.t *)
negate (f:ft) = -f : -ftOCaml
let rec negate fs = I.decon fs @@ fun f ft -> I.cons (-. f) negate ft
negate = map negateOCaml
let negate = (fun x -> -. x)
(f:ft) + (g:gt) = f+g : ft+gtOCaml
let rec (+%) fs gs = I.decon2 fs gs @@ fun f ft g gt -> I.cons (f +. g) (fun (ft,gt) -> ft +% gt) (ft,gt)
(+) = zipWith (+)OCaml
let (+%) = I.zip_with (+.)
(f:ft) * gs@(g:gt) = f*g : ft*gs + series(f)*gtOCaml
let rec ( *% ) fs gs = I.decon2 fs gs @@ fun f ft g gt -> I.cons (f *. g) (fun gt -> ft *% gs +% series f *% gt) gt
-- Tying-the-knot trick (f:ft) / (g:gt) = qs where qs = f/g : series(1/g)*(ft-qs*gt)OCaml
let ( /% ) fs gs = I.decon2 fs gs @@ fun f ft g gt -> I.fix @@ I.cons (f /. g) (fun qs -> series (1. /. g) *% (ft -% qs *% gt))
(f:ft) # gs@(0:gt) = f : gt*(ft#gs)OCaml
(* Since # is reserved in OCaml, we use %% *) let rec ( %% ) fs gs = I.decon2 fs gs @@ fun f ft 0. -> I.cons f (fun gt -> gt *% (ft %% gs))
-- Tying-the-knot trick revert (0:ft) = rs where rs = 0 : 1/(ft#rs)OCaml
let revert fs = I.decon fs @@ fun 0. ft -> I.fix @@ I.cons 0. @@ fun rs -> int 1 /% (ft %% rs) (* val revert : float I.t -> float I.t *)
-- integral from 0 to x int fs = 0 : zipWith (/) fs [1..]OCaml
let integ = I.cons 0. (fun fs -> I.zip_with (/.) fs (iota 1.)) (* val integ : float I.t -> float I.t *)
-- type (Num a,Enum a)=>[a]->[a] diff (_:ft) = zipWith (*) ft [1..]OCaml
let diff fs = I.decon fs @@ fun _ ft -> I.zip_with ( *. ) ft (iota 1.) (* val diff : float I.t -> float I.t *)
tans = revert(int(1/(1:0:1)))OCaml
let tans = revert @@ integ (int 1 /% from_list [1.;0.;1.]) (* val tans : float I.t *)
-- (Implicit) Mutual recursion sins = int coss coss = 1 - int sinsOCaml
let (sins,coss) = I.fix2 (fun (s,c) -> (integ c, int 1 -% integ s))
test4 = tans - sins/cossOCaml
let test4 = tans -% sins /% coss
The series for tan x
is in terms of the series for its functional
inverse, arctan x = INT dx/(1+x^2)
. The final test (Music of Streams
paper, Example 4) exercises all facilities, and is demanding. It seems
to run a bit faster in the OCaml byte-code interpreter than in GHCi.
As promised, there are no thunks or lazy annotations.
module type INFSER = sig type 'a t val decon : 'a t -> ('a -> 'a t -> 'w t) -> 'w t (* deconstructor *) (* Another deconstructor, although technically unnecessary, but convenient *) val decon2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b t -> 'w t) -> 'w t val cons : 'a -> ('b -> 'a t) -> 'b -> 'a t (* constructor *) val repeat : 'a -> 'a t (* same elems *) val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a t -> 'b t) val zip_with : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a t -> 'b t -> 'c t) val take : int -> 'a t -> 'a list val fix : ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a t val fix2 : ('a t * 'b t -> 'a t * 'b t) -> 'a t * 'b t end
Using the interface is straightforward, although its design is not.
The case in point is cons
, with an unexpected type. Another
surprise is the deconstructor decon
, whose result must be a power
series. A function that deconstructs and consumes an infinite series
must itself be producing an infinite series. INFSER lets us re-implement
the earlier filter
let rec filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a I.t -> 'b I.t = fun p l -> I.decon l (fun x t -> let t = filter p t in if p x then I.cons x (fun x -> x) t else t)Now we can write
filter p t
for the recursive invocation, without
Again, INFSER lets us write power serious without the clutter of
, force
, thunks and other suspensions that had to be correctly
placed by the user. It almost seems that the programmer does not have
to be aware of the default evaluation strategy. Yet the recursion
gives the strictness away. Although we can write recursive
definitions just like in Haskell (see, e.g., the code for addition and
multiplication), and although the explicit fixpoint for
tying the knot may occur with either strategy (cf. mfix
in Haskell)
and should probably be
encouraged given its subtlety, recursive series definitions seem to
be possible only in a lazy language. As Doug McIlroy pointed out in
the discussion thread, the exponential series can be defined in Haskell
simply as
exps = 1 + integral expsThe similar definition in OCaml
let rec exps = int 1 +% integ exps
is not accepted:
``This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of let rec''.
One is forced to use the explicit fixpoint:
let exps = I.fix @@ fun exps -> int 1 +% integ expsAgain one wonders how deep is this problem and if something can be done, in a hypothetical strict language -- or even in OCaml. Recall, a recursive definition
let rec f = e
may be treated as a syntax sugar for
let f = fix (fun f -> e)
. Such a `macro-expansion' is valid in any language,
strict or lazy. If only we could sneak-in our own fix
-- based
on the inferred type of the expression or in some other way... OCaml attributes
do give us `the other way'. With the appropriate PPX extension, one can write
the desired
let[@stream I] rec exps = int 1 +% integ expsand having it expand to the earlier
code. Again, such an expansion is
valid regardless of the evaluation strategy. Thus elegant recursive
power-series definitions can in principle be written in a strict language,
or even in OCaml with some extensions.
Speaking of elegance, I can't help but quote the paragraph from Doug McIlroy's web page:
``Extensions to handle polynomials make a practical package, doubled in size, not as pretty, but much faster and capable of feats like pascal. To see the dramatic speedup, try a bigger test like take 20 tans.''
Indeed, ``not as pretty, but much faster''.
I thank Tom Ellis for the productive discussion and Kim-Ee Yeoh for posing such an interesting and well-defined problem.