Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR) PMW 175
The METOC Web was developed and is maintained by the METOC Systems Program
Office (PMW175) for the Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR),
Washington, D.C.
SPAWAR is the designer of the Navy's Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem
(NITES), a collection of application and systems services that run on the
SPAWAR Joint Maritime Command Information System (JMCIS). These
applications/services are also a part of the TESS Remote Workstation which
complements TESS(3) at various afloat and ashore METOC sites.
The METOC System Program Office staff roster includes:
Capt. Richard Hillyer, PMW 175 Environmental Systems Program Manager
David Minton, PMW 175 Chief Engineer, and
Jay Berkowitz, PMW 175 Deputy Program Manager
SPAWAR now has its own web, SPAWIRE,
with links to several SPAWAR groups as well as to the latest SPAWAR Corporate Phonebook.