Automatical indexing of satellite images

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The following page has been generated by a script let lose on a directory with a few GOES images (among other things)

Catalog of satellite images

Available satellite images
Region Type Source Date Time
full_disk GMS_IR GUAMGSRS 95_08_17 19:32
full_disk GMS_VS GUAMGSRS 95_08_17 20:32
goes_wv_full G07_WV PERLGSRS 95_08_17 16:01
gms_ir_full GMS_IR PERLGSRS 95_08_17 20:32
gms_vs_full GMS_VS PERLGSRS 95_08_17 20:32
full_disk_ir MET_IR ROTAGSRS 95_08_17 20:14
atlantic_wv MET_WV ROTAGSRS 95_08_17 19:32
aor G08_C4 norf_ing 95_08_17 15:15
opareas G08_C4 norf_ing 95_08_17 17:02


Use compression

None Low Medium High Other


an automatical indexing of satellite images for retrieval via WWW. This could be very useful in a situation when one has a directory full of satellite image files, and he wants to let remote Mosaic/Netscape clients to check out the pictures. Of course it would meaningful names
