Normal-order direct-style beta-evaluator with syntax-rules, and the repeated applications of call/cc

The presentation at the Workshop ``Daniel P. Friedman: A Celebration.'' December 4, 2004. Bloomington, IN


Normal-order direct-style beta-evaluator with syntax-rules,
and the repeated applications of call/cc


The title of the talk, in the expanded form, is _this_. We will talk about less frequently mentioned applications of call/cc and hygienic Scheme macros. For example, we will use macros as a sort of a proof assistant, to help in tedious lambda-calculations. As you will see, we will be talking about undelimited and delimited continuations, continuation-passing style transforms -- with a detour on hygienic macros and beta-normalization. It should come as no surprise that all these topics are directly influenced by Dan Friedman -- and, in fact, developed straight in response to his challenges. Perhaps he didn't know about that though.

The call/cc challenge


     ((call/cc call/cc) (call/cc call/cc))
     (call/cc call/cc) ==> ??
     (call/cc (call/cc call/cc)) ==> ??
     (call/cc ... (call/cc call/cc)) ==> ??
     (call/cc ... (call/cc id)) ==> ??
     (define (p x) (if (eq? x p) '(p p) `(p ,x)))
     ((call/cc (call/cc call/cc)) p)  ===> (p p)

It all started about two years ago, upon the meditation on this famous incantation. It was disclosed by Shriram on USENET. What is the application of call/cc to itself? And one more time? And a few more times? What if we have the identity function?

To be sure, on one hand, these questions seem trivial. We can easily find the answer if we just apply these things to a suitable function, like that. It'll tell us what is being applied to what. This is an instance of a type-directed partial evaluation, btw. So we easily find out that all these expressions are just self-applications. A more interesting question is this: are there any side-conditions on p? Can we prove it? As we know, the field of first-class continuations is sufficiently interesting to reasonably doubt one's intuition and rely on a formal proof instead. BTW, there was one surprise, to be mentioned later.

The call/cc theorem

Theorem 1. Expressions

where p is a value,

all yield beta-equivalent terms after CBV CPS.

Catchy phrase 1.
self-application is the fixpoint of call/cc

Here (call/cc ...) signify zero or more applications of call/cc, and id is the identity function (lambda (x) x).

To avoid possible misunderstandings, it's important to realize what the theorem says, and specifically what it does not say. The theorem says that expressions ((call/cc call/cc) p) and ((lambda (x) (x x)) p) are observationally equivalent in CBV provided that p is a value. The theorem emphatically does not say that (call/cc call/cc) and (lambda (x) (x x)) are observationally equivalent -- because they are generally not. The equivalence holds only in specific contexts. One of them is an an application to a value. The lemmas below should make that clear. Here are a few examples:

     (define (foo self)
       (if (procedure? self) (self #f) 
           (begin (display "!") (newline))))
     (define (exp1) 
       (let ((f (call/cc call/cc)))
          (f (begin (display "OK") foo))))
     (define (exp2) 
       (let ((f (lambda (x) (x x))))
          (f (begin (display "OK") foo))))
     (define (exp3) 
       (let ((f (lambda (y) ((call/cc call/cc) y))))
          (f (begin (display "OK") foo))))

Evaluating (exp1) prints OKOK! whereas evaluating (exp2) and (exp3) prints just OK!. Clearly, (exp1) can't be equivalent to (exp2).

That is, eta-expansion is not a sound operation when applied to (call/cc call/cc). First-class continuations can be tricky. That's why it helps to be formal.

Proving the theorem: CPS

     (define-syntax CPS
       (syntax-rules (lambda call/cc p)
         ((CPS (?e1 ?e2))
           (lambda (k) ((CPS ?e1) (lambda (f)
              ((CPS ?e2) (lambda (a) ((f a) k)))))))
         ((CPS (lambda (x) ?e))
           (lambda (k) (k (lambda (x) (CPS ?e)))))
         ((CPS call/cc)
           (lambda (k0)
             (k0 (lambda (p) (lambda (k)
                   ((p (lambda (a)
                         (lambda (k1) (k a)))) k))))))
         ((CPS p)
           (lambda (k) (k pv)))
         ((CPS ?x)
           (lambda (k) (k ?x)))))

We have mentioned CPS in the formulation of the theorem, so the best way to prove it would be via the CPS transform. CPS is a source-to-source translation. Therefore, it behooves us to use Scheme's syntax-transformers.

This macro is straightforward: it is the standard CPS transformation written in Latin rather than in Greek. Here we see the CPS for application, abstraction, call/cc, our skolem constant for a value, and just other value.

Need a more perspicuous CPS

     > (expand '(CPS (lambda (x) (x x))))
     (lambda (#:k)
       (#:k (lambda (#:x)
              (lambda (#:k)
                ((lambda (#:k) (#:k #:x))
                 (lambda (#:f)
                   ((lambda (#:k) (#:k #:x))
                    (lambda (#:a) ((#:f #:a) #:k)))))))))

We will be using Petite Chez Scheme, which conveniently provides a form (expand e) to macro-expand an expression e. We see a problem however: the expansion isn't entirely easy to look at: it has a bit too many lambdas. We know how to deal with that: we just have to reduce them. We need a beta normalizer. So, we take a detour on lambda-calculators.

Hilsdale-Friedman lambda-calculator

     (define-syntax beta1
       (syntax-rules (lambda)
         ((beta1 (lambda (Formal) Body) SK FK)
          (beta1 Body (beta1-lambda-k SK Formal) FK))
         ((beta1 ((lambda (Formal) Body) Arg) SK FK)
          (lc-subst Arg Formal Body SK))
         ((beta1 (Op Arg) SK FK)
          (beta1 Op (beta1-op-k SK Arg)
              (beta1 Arg (beta1-arg-k SK Op) FK)))
         ((beta1 X SK FK) (apply-syn-cont FK))))
     (define-syntax beta*
       (syntax-rules ()
         ((beta* Exp K)
           (beta1 Exp (beta*-k K)
             (apply-syn-cont K Exp)))))
     (define-syntax beta*-k
       (syntax-rules ()
         ((beta*-k K NewExp) (beta* NewExp K))))

We are looking for a beta-normalizer as a source-to-source transformer -- that is, again as a Scheme macro. At the Scheme workshop 2000 in Montreal Dan Friedman and Erik Hilsdale presented a paper on a systematic writing of hygienic Scheme macros. The key turns out to be CPS. After that paper, and an incidental discovery of macro-lambda, a lot of CPS macros have been written. A lot here applies both to the number of macros of this sort as well to each macro of that sort.

One of the examples in their paper was a normal order beta-normalizer. Here's a short excerpt. The code for macros such as beta1-lambda-k and lc-subst occupies a two-column page in the paper.

As you can see, the normal-order normalizer attempts to reduce a term -- and if successful, reduces the result, etc. This algorithm can be expressed by a phrase `cook until done'. I should say that this method did not appeal to me, probably because I dislike cooking. So, I chose a different algorithm -- which is that of bottom-up parsing, with shift and reset, I mean, reduce.

Direct-style lambda-calculator

     (define-syntax NORM
       (syntax-rules (lambda)
         ((NORM t) (NORM t () ()))
         ((NORM (lambda (x) e) env ())
          (let-syntax ((ren (syntax-rules ()
            ((ren ?x ?e ?env) 
              (lambda (x) (NORM ?e ((?x () x) . ?env) ()))))))
            (ren x e env)))
         ((NORM (lambda (x) b) env ((enve e) . stack))
           (NORM b ((x enve e) . env) stack))
         ((NORM (e1 e2) env stack)
           (NORM e1 env ((env e2) . stack)))
         ((NORM x () ()) x)
         ((NORM x () ((enve e) ...))
           (x (NORM e enve ()) ...))
         ((NORM x env stack)
                (syntax-rules (x)
                  ((find ?x ((x ?envs ?es) . _) ?stack)
                   (NORM ?es ?envs ?stack))
                  ((find ?x (_ . ?env) ?stack)
                   (NORM ?x ?env ?stack)))))
             (find x env stack)))

This calculator is written in a direct style. There are no success and failure continuations as we saw on previous slide. It is also a single, stand-alone macro. It does no alpha-renaming directly and no substitutions directly. Everything is integrated with normalization, and everything is delayed until the latest possible moment. As you can see, the only recursion here is via NORM itself. The auxiliary macros are not directly recursive and exit back to NORM.

This is my second attempt. The first had a substitution semantics: when processing a redex, the normalizer will traverse and rebuild the term being substituted into. However, that rebuilding was shallow: we stop at the first application. Rather than traverse both sub-terms of an application, we make a promise to traverse further later. We make such a promise by building beta-redexes on both sub-terms. Indeed, a beta-redex is a reification of a substitution. Alas, that first normalizer was not lazy enough -- it would build large intermediate terms and could quickly run out of memory. Also, the first attempt was bigger: the substitution part was as big as this whole normalizer.

Sample normalization

(\x. x x)(\x. x)   env0 stack0
let s1=(\x. x)e0:s0 in \x.x x   e0 s1
let e1=x.(\x. x)e0:e0 in xx   e1 s0
let s2=x e1:s0 in x   e1 s2
\x.x   e0 s2
let e2=x.x e1:e0 in x   e2 s0
x   e1 s0
\x.x   e0 s0

if e0 and s0 are empty:

\x9.let e3 = x . x9 () in x   e3 ()

To see how that macro works, let's normalize this sample term given the initial environment env0 and the term stack stack0. We will abbreviate those just to e0 and s0. As I said, the algorithm is almost the same as that of bottom-up parsing. The term stack stores terms to be applied to the current term. At every time, we maintain the following invariant:

head (term ... stack) =equiv= head term ...

In addition to the stack, we have the environment. Our normalizer implements the calculus of explicit substitutions, and the environment is the record of those. It is actually a stack, to handle shadowing of bound variables.

So, our initial term is an application. We shift its argument onto the term stack -- along with the environment in effect, e0. The current term now is an abstraction, the term stack is not empty -- and so we have a redex. We remove the top of the term stack -- along with its saved environment -- and push it into the environment stack, associated with the bound variable x. And that is all we do for a redex. No extra term traversals, no alpha-renaming. The current term now is abstraction's body, and we process it as usual. We will deal with the substitution only when we are pressed. The current term is now an application, of x to x, and we handle it as before: shift the argument into the term stack, along with the current environment e1. The current term now is a bare variable -- and now we are pressed for the substitution. We reduce that variable against the environment stack: we shift the associated term, along with its environment, out of that stack into the current position. And continue. This re-parsing is the only difference between our normalizer and a bottom-up parser.

Now, we get the redex again: we reduce from the term stack and shift onto the environment stack. The current term becomes just x, we reduce from the environment and get our answer. As you can see we never traverse a term just for the sake of substitutions. Substitution becomes a part of overall normalization. We don't do an explicit alpha-conversion either. Only when we encounter a lambda on an empty stack -- we dive underneath and have to change the bound variable into something else. Again, we do not rush into the renaming: we merely create a record on the environment to do the replacement when we are pressed into it, that is, when we come across the bound variable.

Direct-style lambda-calculator

     (define-syntax NORM
       (syntax-rules (lambda)
         ((NORM t) (NORM t () ()))
         ((NORM (lambda (x) e) env ())
          (let-syntax ((ren (syntax-rules ()
            ((ren ?x ?e ?env) 
              (lambda (x) (NORM ?e ((?x () x) . ?env) ()))))))
            (ren x e env)))
         ((NORM (lambda (x) b) env ((enve e) . stack))
           (NORM b ((x enve e) . env) stack))
         ((NORM (e1 e2) env stack)
           (NORM e1 env ((env e2) . stack)))
         ((NORM x () ()) x)
         ((NORM x () ((enve e) ...))
           (x (NORM e enve ()) ...))
         ((NORM x env stack)
                (syntax-rules (x)
                  ((find ?x ((x ?envs ?es) . _) ?stack)
                   (NORM ?es ?envs ?stack))
                  ((find ?x (_ . ?env) ?stack)
                   (NORM ?x ?env ?stack)))))
             (find x env stack)))

Here's our macro again. This short incantation is to get the macro-expander to give us a fresh name with the same stem. When we view the result of the macro-expansion -- and we will -- it's nice to see variable names close to the ones that existed in the original term.

So, with two stacks, we have two shifts and two reductions. Applications shift onto the term stack. Redexes reduce the term stack and shift onto the environment stack. Variables reduce from the env stack.

Again, this single, stand-alone macro is all there is to lambda-calculus, really. As we all know, it is indeed very simple on the surface.

CPS with normalization

     > (expand '(CPS (lambda (x) (x x))))
     (lambda (#:k)
       (#:k (lambda (#:x)
              (lambda (#:k)
                ((lambda (#:k) (#:k #:x))
                 (lambda (#:f)
                   ((lambda (#:k) (#:k #:x))
                    (lambda (#:a) ((#:f #:a) #:k)))))))))
     > (expand `(NORM
                 ,(expand '(CPS (lambda (x) (x x))))))
     (lambda (#:k)
       (#:k (lambda (#:x)
          (lambda (#:k) (#:x #:x #:k)))))

Now that we've got the normalizer, we can apply it to the result of the CPS transform. Here's one way of doing it. As you can see, the result is indeed more comprehensible.

However, this nested use of expand isn't nice, let alone cumbersome to type. As I said, I am lazy. We can integrate NORM into the CPS -- performing a deforestation.

CPS with normalization, truly

     (define-syntax CPS
       (syntax-rules (lambda call/cc p)
         ((CPS (?e1 ?e2) . args)
           (NORM (lambda (k) ((CPS ?e1)
               (lambda (f) ((CPS ?e2) (lambda (a)
                  ((f a) k)))))) . args))
         ((CPS (lambda (x) ?e) . args)
           (NORM (lambda (k)
              (k (lambda (x) (CPS ?e)))) . args))
         ((CPS call/cc . args)
           (NORM (lambda (k0)
             (k0 (lambda (p) (lambda (k)
                   ((p (lambda (a)
                         (lambda (k1) (k a)))) k)))))
                               . args))
         ((CPS p . args)
           (NORM (lambda (k) (k pv)) . args))
         ((CPS ?x . args)
           (NORM (lambda (k) (k ?x)) . args))))
     (define-syntax NORM
       (syntax-rules (lambda CPS)
         ((NORM (CPS e) env stack) (CPS e env stack))

That is quite straightforward. We add to the CPS transformer the opaque normalization state -- args -- to carry around. We make the transformer do the normalization after the transformation. We also add one more rule to the normalizer, to handle delayed CPS. CPS and normalization are truly intertwined.

Incidentally, we could easily mark which lambda's come from the source expression and which come from the CPS itself -- so the normalizer will handle the administrative lambdas only. OTH, for the theorem we have to make a few further reductions. So, here we make no distinction between administrative and serious lambdas and try to reduce what we can. We use this as an assistant anyway: if it takes too long, there is always Control-C.

Proving the theorem 1/3

Lemma 1. CPS transform of (\x. x x)p is
\k.pv pv k


     > (expand '(CPS ((lambda (x) (x x)) p)))
     (lambda (#:k) (pv pv #:k))

Lemma 2. CPS of callcc callcc is
\k.k (\a. \k1. k a)


     > (expand '(CPS (call/cc call/cc)))
     (lambda (#:k)
       (#:k (lambda (#:a) (lambda (#:k1) (#:k #:a)))))

We are all set for proving our theorem. We start with the following lemmas.

Proving the theorem 2/3

Lemma 3. CPS transform of callcc (callcc callcc ) is the same as that of callcc callcc


     > (expand '(CPS (call/cc (call/cc call/cc))))
     (lambda (#:k)
       (#:k (lambda (#:a) (lambda (#:k1) (#:k #:a)))))

Lemma 4. CPS transform of callcc (callcc id) is the same as that of callcc callcc


     > (expand '(CPS (call/cc
                       (call/cc (lambda (u) u)))))
     (lambda (#:k)
       (#:k (lambda (#:a) (lambda (#:k1) (#:k #:a)))))

Proving the theorem 3/3

Lemma 5. CPS transform of (callcc callcc )p is the same as that of (\x. x x)p


     > (expand '(CPS ((call/cc call/cc) p)))
     (lambda (#:k) (pv pv #:k))

The call/cc theorem

Theorem 1. Expressions

where p is a value,

are observationally equivalent in CBV.

Follows by Plotkin simulation theorem

CPS_transform_v(eval_v M)=eval_v((CPS_transform M) (\x. x))

As our lemmas, and their trivial inductive extension, showed, all these three expressions have identical CPS transforms. So, our theorem follows from Plotkin simulation theorem.

Catchy Conclusions

< callcc-fixpoint.txt>

These catchy phrases conclude the talk.

But no computer science paper is complete without working out a factorial or Fibonacci. Let us indeed consider a factorial. As we saw, we can get self-application via call/cc. And self-application is at the heart of the Y combinator. So we get the tantalizing opportunity to write the factorial function like this.

Factorial via call/cc

       (define fact
         ((lambda (f)
            ((lambda (u) (u (lambda (x)
                      (lambda (n) ((f (u x)) n)))))
             (call/cc (call/cc (call/cc 
                (call/cc (call/cc (lambda (x) x))))))))
           (lambda (f) (lambda (n)
                (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1))))))))
       (display (map fact '(5 6 7)))

Note, that there is no overt recursion nor iteration nor self-application.

Note the top-level BEGIN. Bonus question: why it is there? Does it matter?

Answer: It doesn't matter for a compiler, but does if the code is `load'ed or typed in in an interpreter. Separate top-level statements in most interpreters (REPL) -- tried: Bigloo, Scheme48, Petite Chez, Gambit, Gauche -- have an implicit prompt around them -- which cuts the continuation in call/cc. NB: the cupto paper strongly argues that continuations should have a limited extent -- act within one `prompt'. Here, the technique is based on the fact that the continuations should be truly unlimited!

The case of delimited continuations

     (define (H a b)
       (lambda (on-h) (lambda (on-hv)
           ((on-h a) b))))
     (define (HV v)
       (lambda (on-h) (lambda (on-hv)
           (on-hv v))))
     (define-syntax greset
       (syntax-rules ()
         ((greset hr e) (hr (reset (HV e))))))
     (define-syntax gshift
       (syntax-rules ()
         ((gshift hs f e)
           (shift f* (H (lambda (x) (hs (f* x)))
                        (lambda (f) e))))))

As we know, shift and reset macro-express everything, from prompt and control all the way to shift0 and even call/cc if we consider its prompt to be in the infinite future. That macro-expression is a simple one: this pair, depending on the choice of simple functions hr and hs, gives us everything from shift and reset to prompt and control to less and less limited continuations.

The case of delimited continuations

     (define (hr-stop v)
         ; on-h
         (lambda (f) (lambda (x)
             (greset hr-stop (x f)))))
         ; on-hv
         (lambda (v) v)))
     (define hs-stop hr-stop)
     (define (hr-prop v)
       ((v (lambda (f) (lambda (x)
             (x f))))
         (lambda (v) v)))
     (define (hs-prop v)
         (lambda (f)
           (lambda (x)
             (shift g
               (H (lambda (y) (hs-prop (g (f y)))) x)))))
         (lambda (v) v)))
     (define-syntax prompt
       (syntax-rules ()
         ((prompt e) (greset hr-stop e))))
     (define-syntax control
       (syntax-rules ()
         ((control f e) (gshift hs-prop f e))))

There are actually two choices for each of the functions hr and hs. Here's the sample expression for prompt and control. Other delimited continuation operators -- from shift/reset to prompt0/control0 and cupto -- are obtained by varying hr and hs functions here from these two choices.
As you can see, shift and reset indeed macro-express prompt and control. That's all there is to delimited continuations.

With these simple definitions, we can test the following expression for the factorial.

Shift control to factorial

      (let ()
        (define (call/cc p)
          (shift* (lambda (f)
             (f (p (lambda (x) 
               (shift* (lambda (g) (f x)))))))))
        (let ()
         (define fact
           ((lambda (u)
              (u (lambda (x)
                   (lambda (n)
                     (if (<= n 0) 1
                           (* n ((u x) (- n 1))))))))
             (call/cc (call/cc (call/cc
               (call/cc (call/cc (shift* control*))))))))
           (display (map fact '(5 6 7)))

Here shift* and control* are procedural versions of shift and control, just like call/cc is. I could have swapped shift and control here. But I like how it is written on the slide --- to remind you and myself of the paper ``Shift to Control'' presented by Chung-chieh Shan at the Scheme 2004 workshop. The paper showed for the first time that shift/reset and prompt/control are equally expressible. And that the field of delimited continuations still has something to discover.

     (define (control* p) (control f (p f)))
Justification for (shift* control*) etc. -- straight from the operational -- context reduction -- semantics of delimited control. First of all, (shift* control*) is (shift f (control* f)) is (shift f (control g (f g))). Let X, Y in the following be either shift or control, and reset? be either reset for the shift alternative, or nothing for the control alternative.
     (reset (C [(X f (Y g (f g)))]))
     ==> (reset (Y g (f g)) with f x = (reset? C[x]))
     ==> (reset (f g) with f x = (reset? C[x]) and
                           g x = (reset? [x]))
     ==> (reset (f g) with f x = (reset? C[x]) and g = id)
     ==> (reset (reset? C[id]))
     ==> (reset C[id])
as if (X f (Y g (f g))) were just id.
It is also easy to see that if X is shift, then Y can even be shift0 or control0 -- the end result is the same.

Last updated February 5, 2005

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