From Sun Jun 23 19:03:25 2002 Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 16:03:23 -0700 From: Newsgroups: comp.lang.scheme Subject: How to map a set! [Was: How to play with the first arg of set! ?] References: <3d131e2d$0$597$> Message-ID: <> Status: OR The topic of this article is making sure that (for-each (lambda (v val) (set! v val)) (list x y z) (list 1 2 3)) upon completion, changes the values of the previously bound variables x, y, and z to respectively 1, 2, and 3. This article was prompted by Thomas Baruchel's dream: > dreaming of something like: > (set! (if #t x y) 3.14) Fulfilling this dream seems difficult, until, as the first step, we make a small change: (set-car! (if #t x y) 3.14) The solution immediately presents itself: (let ((x (list 1)) (y (list 2))) (for-each display (list "Before: " "x= " (car x) " and y= " (car y) #\newline)) (set-car! (if #t x y) 3.1415) (for-each display (list "After: " "x= " (car x) " and y= " (car y) #\newline)) ) It runs and gives the expected result. This solution follows the general principle that there is no decidable computer science problem that can't be solved by an extra indirection. Thomas Baruchel wanted to use set! rather than set-car!. We shall show how we can do that. In the example above, the extra level of indirection was accomplished by wrapping a value into a list. A cleaner approach is to use a dedicated record type (see SRFI-9) (define-record-type refcell (ref val) ; constructor ref? ; predicate (val ref-ref ref-set!)) ; one field and its accessors The record declaration creates a (quasi-) unique type. To access the value wrapped in a refcell x, we generally have to write (ref-ref x). This is inconvenient. Therefore, we will overload +, -, and other strict operations to dereference the cells tacitly: (define (! val) (if (ref? val) (ref-ref val) val)) To avoid writing (set! op (let ((op op)) (lambda args (apply op (map ! args))))) for each operation op manually, we enlist the help of a macro: (define-syntax !ize (syntax-rules () ((_ op) (set! op ; In Scheme 48, replace this set! with define (let ((op op)) (lambda args (apply op (map ! args)))))))) (!ize +) (!ize -) (!ize *) (!ize /) (!ize <) (!ize <=) (!ize >=) (!ize >) (!ize display) To assign a new value to a ref cell x, we normally have to write (ref-set! x new-val). Again, this is inconvenient. We would like to use the familiar set! for that purpose. We still want to use set! to mutate non-ref-cell bindings. The following pinch of black magic makes it possible to overload set! ; Petrofsky extraction. Search for "dirty macro" (define-syntax extract (syntax-rules () ((_ symb body _cont) (letrec-syntax ((tr (syntax-rules (symb) ((_ x symb tail (cont-head symb-l . cont-args)) (cont-head (x . symb-l) . cont-args)) ; symb has occurred ((_ d (x . y) tail cont) ; if body is a composite form, (tr x x (y . tail) cont)) ; look inside ((_ d1 d2 () (cont-head symb-l . cont-args)) (cont-head (symb . symb-l) . cont-args)) ; symb does not occur ((_ d1 d2 (x . y) cont) (tr x x y cont))))) (tr body body () _cont))))) (define-syntax with-ext-set! (syntax-rules () ((_ . _body) (let-syntax ((bind-set ; continuation from extract (syntax-rules () ((_ (set-symb) body) (let-syntax ((set-symb (syntax-rules () ((_ (?exp . ?args) ?val) (ref-set! (?exp . ?args) (! ?val))) ((_ ?var ?val) (let ((val (! ?val))) (if (ref? ?var) (ref-set! ?var val) (set! ?var val)))) ))) . body))))) (extract set! _body (bind-set () _body)))))) And now, the final example: (with-ext-set! (let ((x (ref 11)) (y (ref 12)) (z (ref 13)) (u 14)) (for-each display (list "Before: " "x= " x ", y= " y ", z= " z ", u= " u #\newline)) (map (lambda (var val) (set! var val)) (list x y z) (list 1 2 3)) (set! u (+ x y)) (for-each display (list "After: " "x= " x ", y= " y ", z= " z ", u= " u #\newline)) (set! (if (< x y) x y) 3.1415) (for-each display (list "Finally: " "x= " x ", y= " y ", z= " z ", u= " u #\newline)) )) The printed result: Before: x= 11, y= 12, z= 13, u= 14 After: x= 1, y= 2, z= 3, u= 3 Finally: x= 3.1415, y= 2, z= 3, u= 3 All the examples were tested with Bigloo 2.4b and Scheme48. As we see, we never have to dereference cells explicitly. Variable x behaves as if it were bound to a value, as the regular variable 'u' is. Please note the statement: (map (lambda (var val) (set! var val)) (list x y z) (list 1 2 3)) As the printout shows, the statement indeed works as we wanted it to. Please also note that set! is overloaded rather than merely replaced: we can still use set! to mutate ordinary bindings, as in (set! u (+ x y)). A statement (set! (if (< x y) x y) 3.1415) demonstrates that the extended set! is indeed expressive. Related work: it is easy to see that our refcells behave like references in C++. You cannot mutate a reference or read the reference itself: you can only mutate or read the referred value. OCaml implements reference cells precisely as mutable records of one element. A transformation from (let ((x val)) ...) to (let ((x (ref val))) ...) is a a very common step of compiling Scheme programs. This transformation makes bindings and their collections (environments) immutable, which enables sharing.