Continuations and Delimited Control



Introduction to programming with shift and reset

The tutorial on delimited continuations was given together with Kenichi Asai (Ochanomizu University, Japan) in the evening before the Continuation Workshop 2011.

The concept of continuations arises naturally in programming: a conditional branch selects a continuation from the two possible futures; raising an exception discards a part of the continuation; a tail-call or goto continues with the continuation. Although continuations are implicitly manipulated in every language, manipulating them explicitly as first-class objects is rarely used because of the perceived difficulty.

This tutorial aims to give a gentle introduction to continuations and a taste of programming with first-class delimited continuations using the control operators shift and reset. Assuming no prior knowledge on continuations, the tutorial helps participants write simple co-routines and non-deterministic searches. The tutorial should make it easier to understand and appreciate the talks at CW 2011.

We assume basic familiarity with functional programming languages, such as OCaml, Standard ML, Scheme, and Haskell. No prior knowledge of continuations is needed. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops and program along.

The current version is September 27, 2011
CW2011 Tutorial Session. September 23, 2011

Tutorial notes for OchaCaml and Haskell
Haskell-tutorial.pdf [86K]

ContExample.hs [4K]
A sample shift/reset code in Haskell, in the Cont monad -- the monad for delimited control

ContTutorial.hs [9K]
The complete code for the Haskell portion of the tutorial


Slide-Effect: Slide overlays and delimited control

Perhaps everyone who has made PowerPoint, Beamer or plain old slide presentations has tried overlays: a simple way to animate a slide by progressively revealing or hiding some of its content. Probably not many realize however that by doing so they experience delimited control. How so -- this article elaborates. We'll see that delimited control is quite pervasive. It can even be realized without a dedicated delimited control facility in the programming language or system. We also see what this facility -- delimited control operators -- if actually available, brings to the table. Experts in delimited control may also have something to see here: a realistic example of a multi-shot delimited control -- which is considered rarely used and useful and hence not even offered in some systems.

Our running example is a rather typical Beamer slide with overlays:

    \begin{frame}{My Slide}
    This is my talk 
    It has several points
    \item First, me have to mention this
    \only<2,3,4>{\item Then it comes to that}
    \only<3>{\item We have to stress that}
    \only<4>{\item Or, to put it better,}
    \note<1>{To expand on 1}
    \note<2,3,4>{Note on 2}
    \note<4>{Note on 4}
    \note<3,4>{Note on 3}
Here, \only<numbers>{content} means that content appears only on overlays listed in numbers (\note<X>{Y} is essentially the shorthand for \only<X>{\note{Y}}). The slide, hence, has four overlays (because 4 is the largest overlay number mentioned). On the first one, the itemized list has the single, top, item (with the first note attached, displayed or not depending on Beamer settings). The item and the text above it remain through the end. The second overlay brings the second list item (and the associated note), which also persist. The next overlay adds the third item, replaced in the last overlay. To be sure, Beamer has other overlay operators -- which can either be implemented in terms of \only or analogously. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to \only.

We describe two implementations of \only: without and with delimited control, and contrast them. Beamer is written in TeX, which is not the best language to present algorithms in (or to program in general). We use OCaml instead. OCaml (at least up to version 4.14) has a general-purpose delimited control facility (the delimcc library), used in the second implementation.

Beamer takes the above slide TeX code and creates several pdf pages of output, one page per overlay. In our OCaml implementation we concentrate on overlay expansion, skipping typesetting and pdf rendering. That is, we take a frame with overlay operators and expand it into a list of `rendered' frames, without overlay operators. A frame is represented in OCaml in perhaps the most naive way, as the frame data structure:

    type frame = Frame of string * content list
     and content = 
      | Lit of string
      | List of content list
      | Note of content
      | Empty
    let frame t c = Frame(t,c)
The frame content is made of literal strings, itemizations and notes -- just enough for our running example. One can easily render it in markdown, html, or any other format.

For overlays, we assume the most minimal interface:

    module type framer = sig
      val make_overlays : (unit -> frame) -> frame list
      val only : int list -> content -> content
The function make_overlays takes a frame expression (represented as a thunk) that may include only -- and returns the list of completed frames, one per overlay. The function only that may appear in an overlay expression displays its content only on the listed overlays. Here is how the sample Beamer slide is represented in OCaml -- in what amounts to a simple embedded DSL for slides with overlays.
    module Ex(S:framer) = struct
      open S
      let r = make_overlays @@ fun () ->
      frame "My Slide" [
       Lit "This is my talk";
       Lit "It has several points";
       List [
         Lit "First, we have to mention this";
         only [2;3;4] @@ Lit "Then it comes to that";
         only [3] @@ Lit "We have to stress that";
         only [4] @@ Lit "Or, to put it better,";
       only [1] @@ Note (Lit "To expand on 1");
       only [2;3;4] @@ Note (Lit "Note on 2");
       only [4] @@ Note (Lit "Note on 4");
       only [3;4] @@ Note (Lit "Note on 3");
Clearly, writing slides in OCaml is quite less convenient than in TeX (the inconvenience could be alleviated to some extent by smart constructors with optional arguments, or, better, using the ppx pre-processor). We explicitly parameterized the code by the implementation of the framer interface: we will have two.

The first implementation of framer is how overlay expansion is likely to be implemented in Beamer. The idea is simple: keep re-executing the frame expression, in different dynamic environments: with the different current overlay number. The operator \only<numbers>{content} (or, note [numbers] content, in OCaml) omits its content unless the the current overlay number is listed in numbers.

    module FramerState : framer = struct
      let curr_frame = ref 0
      let max_frames = ref 0
      let make_overlays th =
        curr_frame := 1;
        max_frames := 1;
        let rec loop f =
          if !curr_frame >= !max_frames then [f] else
          (incr curr_frame; f :: loop (th ()))
        in loop (th ())
      let only ixs c =
        let mx = List.fold_left max 1 ixs in
        if !max_frames < mx then max_frames := mx;
        if List.mem !curr_frame ixs then c else Empty
FramerState literally implements the idea: it is an executable specification. Its only complication is that the number of overlays is not known beforehand but has to be determined during expansion: it is the largest overlay number mentioned in only.

The drawbacks, the global mutable state, are also clear. Consider what happens if make_overlays is invoked recursively, within the frame content: It can happen by mistake; it is also legitimate, to format a `miniframe'. Although the mutable state can be hidden with some elaboration, it is inevitable: It is the communication channel between make_overlays and only.

The biggest drawback of FramerState is, admittedly, aesthetic: it just feels wrong to re-render everything from scratch, over and over again. On our sample slide, the first itemized item and the text above it stay put. Surely this part could be rendered once and for all and then shared, across all output pages? Likewise, the second item in the itemized list occurs on overlays 2,3, and 4. Wouldn't it be nice to render up to this list once, and then share in the output?

It is this line of thought that leads to delimited control. Consider the frame expression from our running example, repeated below:

    frame "My Slide" [
     Lit "This is my talk";
     Lit "It has several points";
     List [
      Lit "First, we have to mention this";
      only [2;3;4] @@ Lit "Then it comes to that";
      only [3] @@ Lit "We have to stress that";
In left-to-right evaluation, we first evaluate Lit "This is my talk", then Lit "It has several points", then enter the List expression and evaluate its first item. The evaluation builds content data structures on heap, linking them and referencing from the stack. Now we come to the first only. The common part of the overlays ends here: some overlays continue with Lit "Then it comes to that";, some without. Either way, the stack up to that point is shared. The delimited control is exactly the mechanism to resume from a choice point, sharing the results obtained before it.
    module FramerCont : framer = struct
      open Delimcc
      type req = Done of frame 
               | OnlyAt of int list * content * (content -> req)
      let p = new_prompt ()
      let only ixs c = shift0 p (fun k -> OnlyAt (ixs,c,k))
As in FramerState, the operations make_overlays and only communicate: this time, using control rather than mutable state. (Incidentally, that mutable state can be emulated with delimited control has been noted early on.) The communication is one-sided and simple: only reports its arguments to the receiver (a.k.a, handler: part of make_overlays) and lets it do all the work. Crucially, only captures the part of the stack at the point of its evaluation, as the continuation k. When the continuation is invoked, the evaluation of the frame expression continues, from the saved point. The continuation can be invoked several times: all these resumptions start with the same, shared stack.

The function make_overlays tries to continue the evaluation on only numbers content twice: once for overlays that are listed in numbers (and hence include content), and once that are not listed. The continuation of only may include another only: another choice point. Not all the choices are possible however, since a continuation of only imposes constraints on the overlay numbers. The function make_overlays tracks the constraints: see the source code for details. All in all, FramerCont builds overlays maintaining sharing and avoiding needless re-evaluations.

We should stress that the continuation k of only is invoked (reinstated) twice times: so-called multi-shot delimited control. Since version 5, OCaml offers delimited control in the form of algebraic effects -- which, however, are `one-shot': a captured continuation may be reinstated only once (often, almost immediately). This is indeed the most common use of delimited control. Multi-shot delimited control is indispensable for representing non-determinism (see Hansei probabilistic programming library) -- and not for anything else, commonly thought. It is somewhat surprising (for me as well) to see another use for multi-shot delimited control.

PDF itself has overlays, or transitions -- although few viewers, aside from Acrobat, seem to implement it. If one is to write a PDF viewer supporting transitions, perhaps this article could be of reference. Perhaps one might even want to use delimited control...

The current version is October 2024
References [13K]
OCaml code from the article, with tests and evaluation tracing. One part of it requires the delimcc library.

Hansei: Embedded probabilistic programming in OCaml
This embedded probabilistic programming language crucially relies on (multi-shot) delimited control.

David Wingate, Andreas Stuhlmüller and Noah D. Goodman: Lightweight Implementations of Probabilistic Programming Languages Via Transformational Compilation. AISTATS 2011, Revision 3. February 8, 2014
The paper proposed an implementation technique for probabilistic programming languages based on repeated re-evaluation. The technique requires no delimited control or other advanced features and can be used with many existing systems: the paper itself demonstrates a stochastic Matlab. Many other probabilistic languages use the technique.

Embedded probabilistic domain-specific language Hakaru10
It uses the repeated evaluation but with memoization and tracking dependencies; therefore only the necessary parts are re-evaluated.


Delimited control and breadth-first, depth-first, and iterative deepening search

This tutorial-like Haskell code illustrates the application of delimited control for non-deterministic search. We apply different search strategies to the same non-deterministic program without re-writing it. A non-deterministic computation is reified into a lazy search tree, which can then be examined in different ways. We write non-deterministic search strategies as standard depth-first, breadth-first, etc., tree traversals.

The search tree is the ordinary tree data type, with branches constructed on demand. The tree is potentially infinite, as is the case in the example below.

    data SearchTree a = Leaf a | Node [() -> SearchTree a]
We implement three tree traversals, which collect the values from leaf nodes into a list:
    dfs, bfs, iter_deepening :: SearchTree a -> [a]
(Actually we use several versions of breadth-first search, optimized to a different extent.)

Using the Cont monad from the standard monad transformer library and its operations shift and reset, we implement two primitives: non-deterministically choosing a value from a finite list, and reifying a computation into a SearchTree:

    choose :: [a] -> Cont (SearchTree w) a
    reify  :: Cont (SearchTree a) a -> SearchTree a
Other non-deterministic operations -- failure, mplus (to join two computations), choose' (to choose from a potentially infinite list) -- are all written in terms of choose.

The running example is a simple version of a real inductive-programming problem: given a sequence of input-output pairs [(Int,Int)], find an Int->Int function with that input-output behavior. The functions to search among are represented by the data structure:

    data Exp =
      K Int                                 -- constant function
      | X                                   -- identity
      | Exp :+ Exp                          -- \x -> f x + g x
      | Exp :* Exp                          -- \x -> f x * g x
The solution is the familiar generate-and-test
    induct io = reify $ do
      exp <- an_exp
      if all (\ (i,o) -> eval exp i == o) io then return exp else failure
where an_exp generates a sample function representation, and the if-expression tests if evaluating it on given inputs gives the desired outputs. The generator of Exp expressions is
    an_exp =
      (fmap K $ choose numbers)   `mplus`
      (return X)                  `mplus`
      (liftM2 (:+) an_exp an_exp) `mplus`
      (liftM2 (:*) an_exp an_exp)
     where numbers = [-2..2]
Depth-first search cannot be used for this problem since the search tree is infinite. Breadth-first and iterative deepening are both complete strategies and both find the answer if it exists. For example, for the sequence [(0,1), (1,1), (2,3)] of input-output pairs, we find K 1 :+ (X :* (K (-1) :+ X)) (which corresponds to the function 1 + x*(x-1)), which indeed has the given behavior. Benchmarking on a slightly bigger problem [(0,1), (1,1), (2,3), (-1,3)] shows that the optimized breadth-first search takes 303MB whereas iterative deepening takes 64MB of memory (and roughly the same time). Although toy, this inductive programming problem is not simple. For input-output pairs [(0,1), (1,3), (-1,3), (2,15)], breadth-first search quickly allocates 8GB and is killed by the kernel. Iterative deepening allocates at much slower pace, but still reaches 8GB and dies as well.
The current version is February, 2022
Searches.hs [14K]
The complete Haskell code with many comments, explanations and tests. The comments tell why the search tree is defined as it is, with a thunk.

Embedded probabilistic programming
The paper explains the reification of non-deterministic programs as lazy search trees. We use the same technique here, only in Haskell rather than OCaml, and without probabilities.

Preventing memoization in (AI) search problems
The explanation of the trick to prevent unwelcome implicit memoizations

Joachim Breitner: dup -- Explicit un-sharing in Haskell
July 2012. <>
An extensive discussion of unwanted memoization and ways to prevent it


How to remove a dynamic prompt: static and dynamic delimited continuation operators are equally expressible

This technical report shows that the delimited continuation operators shift, control, shift0, etc. are all macro-expressible in terms of each other. Furthermore, the operators shift, control, control0, shift0 are the members of a single parameterized family, and the standard CPS is sufficient to express their denotational semantics.

The report formally proves that control implemented via shift indeed has its standard reduction semantics.

The report presents the simplest known Scheme implementations of control, shift0 and control0 (similar to cupto). The method in the report lets us design 700 more delimited control operators, to split and compose stack fragments as one thinks fit.

impromptu-shift-tr.pdf [136K]
Technical Report TR611, Department of Computer Science, Indiana University, 2005

delim-cont.scm [10K]
Scheme code with the simplest implementation of control, shift0, control0 in terms of shift/reset. The code includes a large set of test cases.

``Lambda the Ultimate'' discussion thread, esp. on the meaning of delimited contexts

impromptu-shift-tr.scm [61K]
The master SXML file of the report

Writing LaTeX/PDF mathematical papers with SXML


Answer-Type Modification without tears: Prompt-passing style translation for typed delimited-control operators

The salient feature of delimited-control operators is their ability to modify answer types during computation. The feature, answer-type modification (ATM for short), allows one to express various interesting programs such as typed printf compactly and nicely, while it makes it difficult to embed these operators in standard functional languages. In this paper, we present a typed translation of delimited-control operators shift and reset with ATM into a familiar language with multi-prompt shift and reset without ATM, which lets us use ATM in standard languages without modifying the type system. Our translation generalizes Kiselyov's direct-style implementation of typed printf, which uses two prompts to emulate the modification of answer types, and passes them during computation. We prove that our translation preserves typing. As the naive prompt-passing style translation generates and passes many prompts even for pure terms, we show an optimized translation that generate prompts only when needed, which is also type-preserving. Finally, we give an implementation in the tagless-final style which respects typing by construction.

Joint work with Ikuo Kobori and Yukiyoshi Kameyama.

The current version is June 2016
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science EPTCS 212 (Post-Proceedings of the Workshop on Continuations 2015) June 20, 2016, pp. 36-52 doi:10.4204/EPTCS.212.3


Persistent delimited continuations for CGI programming with nested transactions

We present a simple CGI framework for web programming with nested transactions. The framework uses the unmodified OCaml system and an arbitrary, unmodified web server (e.g., Apache). The library makes writing web applications (CGI scripts) as straightforward as writing interactive console applications using read and printf. We write the scripts in the natural question-answer, storytelling style, with the full use of lexical scope, exceptions, mutable data and other imperative features (if necessary). The scripts can even be compiled and run as interactive console applications. With a different implementation of basic primitives for reading and writing, the console programs become CGI scripts.

Our library depends on the delimcc library of persistent delimited continuations. The captured delimited continuations can be stored on disk, to be later loaded and resumed in a different process. Alternatively, serialized captured continuations can be inserted as an encoded string into a hidden field of the response web form. The use of continuations lets us avoid iterations, relying instead on the `Back button.' Delimited continuations naturally support `thread-local' scope and are quite compact to serialize. The library works with the unmodified OCaml system as it is.

Delimited continuations help us implement nested transactions. The simple blog application demonstrates that a user may repeatedly go back-and-forth between editing and previewing their blog post, perhaps in several windows. The finished post can be submitted only once.

The current version is 1.7, April 2008
Fest2008-talk.pdf [204K]
Fest2008-talk-notes.pdf [244K]
The demonstration of the library at the Continuation Fest 2008. The extended version of the talk, ``Clicking on Delimited Continuations'', was presented at FLOLAC in July 2008. The extended version includes a detailed introduction to delimited continuations.

caml-web.tar.gz [16K]
The source code for the library of delimited-continuation--based CGI programming with form validation and nested transactions. The library includes the complete code for the Continuation Fest demos.


Simply typed lambda-calculus with a typed-prompt delimited control is not strongly normalizing

Simply typed lambda-calculus has strong normalization property: any sequence of reductions of any term terminates. If we add delimited control operators with typed prompts (e.g., cupto), the strong normalization property no longer holds. A single typed prompt already leads to non-termination. The following example has been designed by Chung-chieh Shan, from the example of non-termination of simply typed lambda-calculus with dynamic binding. It uses the OCaml delimited control library. The function loop is essentially fun () -> Omega: its inferred type is unit -> 'a; consequently, the evaluation of loop () loops forever.
    let loop () =
      let p = new_prompt () in
      let delta () = shift p (fun f v -> f v v) () in
      push_prompt p (fun () -> let r = delta () in fun v -> r) delta

Chung-chieh Shan also offered the explanation: the answer type being an arrow type hides a recursive type. In other words, the delta's type unit -> 'a hides the answer type and the fact the function is impure.

Olivier Danvy has kindly pointed out the similar non-terminating example that he and Andrzej Filinski designed in 1998 using their version of shift implemented in SML/NJ. Their example too relied on the answer type being an arrow type.

The current version is September 30, 2006
Carl A. Gunter, Didier R'emy and Jon G. Riecke: A Generalization of Exceptions and Control in ML-Like Languages
Proc. Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture Conf., June 26-28, 1995, pp. 12-23.
The paper that introduced cupto, the first delimited control operator with an explicitly typed prompt

Delimited Dynamic Binding
The reformulation in terms of shift and simply typed lambda-calculus

Simply typed lambda-calculus with dynamic binding is not strongly normalizing

General recursive types via delimited continuations
A differently-formulated proof: representing general recursive types


A substructural type system for delimited continuations

We propose type systems that abstractly interpret small-step rather than big-step operational semantics. We treat an expression or evaluation context as a structure in a linear logic with hypothetical reasoning. Evaluation order is not only regulated by familiar focusing rules in the operational semantics, but also expressed by structural rules in the type system, so the types track control flow more closely. Binding and evaluation contexts are related, but the latter are linear.

We use these ideas to build a type system for delimited continuations. It lets control operators change the answer type or act beyond the nearest dynamically-enclosing delimiter, yet needs no extra fields in judgments and arrow types to record answer types. The typing derivation of a direct-style program desugars it into continuation-passing style.

Joint work with Chung-chieh Shan.

The current version is 1.1, June 2007
Type checking as small-step abstract evaluation
Detailed discussion of the two main slogans of the paper:

delim-control-logic.pdf [250K]
The extended (with Appendices) version of the paper published in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA), Paris, June 26-28, 2007 -- LNCS volume 4583.

small-step-typechecking.tar.gz [10K]
Commented Twelf code accompanying the paper
The code implements type checking -- of simply-typed lambda-calculus for warm-up, and of the main lambda-xi0 calculus -- and contains numerous tests and sample derivations.


Call-by-name typed shift/reset calculus

We present a Church-style call-by-name lambda-calculus with delimited control operators shift/reset and first-class contexts. In addition to the regular lambda-abstractions -- permitting substitutions of general, even effectful terms -- the calculus also supports strict lambda-abstractions. The latter can only be applied to values. The demand for values exerted by reset and strict functions determines the evaluation order. The calculus most closely corresponds to the familiar call-by-value shift/reset calculi and embeds the latter with the help of strict functions.

The calculus is typed, assigning types both to terms and to contexts. Types abstractly interpret operational semantics, and thus concisely describe all the effects that could occur in the evaluation of a term. Pure types are given to the terms whose evaluation incurs no effect, i.e., includes no shift-transitions, in any context and in any environment binding terms' free variables, if any. A term whose evaluation may include shift-transitions has an effectful type, which describes the eventual answer-type of the term along with the delimited context required for the evaluation of the term. Control operators may change the answer type of their context.

cbn-xi-calc.elf [19K]
Twelf code that implements the dynamic semantics (the eval* relation) and the type inference (the teval relation). The teval relation is deterministic and terminating, thus constructively proving that the type system for our Church-style calculus is decidable. The code includes a large number of examples of evaluating terms and determining their types.

gengo-side-effects-cbn.pdf [161K]
Call-by-name linguistic side effects
ESSLLI 2008 Workshop on Symmetric calculi and Ludics for the semantic interpretation. 4-7 August, 2008. Hamburg, Germany.

Compilation by evaluation as syntax-semantics interface
Linguistics turns out to offer the first interesting application of the typed call-by-name shift/reset. The paper develops the calculus in several steps, presenting the syntax and the dynamic semantics of the final calculus in Figure 3 and the type system in Figures 4 and 5. The paper details several sample reductions and type reconstructions, and discusses the related work.

A substructural type system for delimited continuations
That TLCA 2007 paper introduced the abstract interpretation technique for reconstructing the effect type of a term in a calculus of delimited control. The technique progressively reduces a term to its abstract form, i.e., the type. The TCLA paper used a call-by-value calculus with a so-called dynamic control operator, shift0. Here we apply the technique to the call-by-name calculus with the static control operator shift.


Fixpoint combinator from typed prompt/control

In the recent paper `Typed Dynamic Control Operators for Delimited Continuations' Kameyama and Yonezawa exhibited a divergent term in their polymorphically typed calculus for prompt/control. Hence the latter calculus, in contrast to Asai and Kameyama's polymorphically typed shift/reset calculus, is not strongly normalizing. Unlike the untyped case, typed control is not macro-expressible in terms of shift. Kameyama and Yonezawa conjectured that the (typed) fixpoint operator is expressible in their calculus too. The conjecture is correct: Here is the derivation of the fixpoint combinator, using the notation of their paper. The combinator is not fully polymorphically typed however: the result type must be populated.

Let f be a pure function of the type a -> a and d be a value of the type a (in the paper, d is written as a black dot). As in the paper, we write # for prompt. The expression

    #( control k.(f #(k d; k d)) ; control k.(f #(k d; k d)) )
appears to be well-typed. It reduces to
    #(f #(k d; k d))  where k u = u; control k.(f #(k d; k d))
    #(f #(f #(k d; k d)))
      eventually to
    #(f #(f #(f ..... )))

Since we are in a call-by-value language, the above result is not terribly useful, but it is a good start. We only need an eta-expansion: Suppose f is of the type (a->b) -> (a->b). Let d be any value of the type a->b: this is the witness that the return type is populated. We build the term

    FX = #( control k.(f (\x . #(k d; k d) x)) ; control k.(f (\x . #(k d; k d) x)) )
that is well-typed and expands as
    #(f (\x . #(k d; k d) x) ) where k u = u; control k.(f (\x . #(k d; k d) x))
      and then
    f (\x . #(k d; k d) x)
noticing that k d is control k.(f (\x . #(k d; k d) x)) we get f (\x . FX x)

Thus we obtain that FX x is equal to f (\x . FX x) x, which means FX is the call-by-value fixpoint of f.

Without access to the implementation of Kameyama and Yonezawa's calculus, we can test this expression using the cupto-derived control. The latter is implemented in OCaml. We cannot test the typing of our fix, since the type system of cupto is too coarse. We can test the dynamic behavior however. To avoid passing the witness that the result type is populated, we set the result type to be a->a, which is obviously populated, by the identity function.

The current version is 1.1, Oct 24, 2007
Yukiyoshi Kameyama and Takuo Yonezawa: Typed Dynamic Control Operators for Delimited Continuations. FLOPS 2008.

Kenichi Asai and Yukiyoshi Kameyama: Polymorphic Delimited Continuations
Proc. Fifth Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2007), LNCS


General recursive types via delimited continuations

A general recursive type is usually defined (see Kameyama and Yonezawa) as \mu X. F[X] where X may appear negatively (i.e., contravariantly) in F[X]. If X appears only positively (as in the type of integer lists, \mu X. (1 + Int * X))), the resulting type is often called inductive.

A general recursive type, e.g., \mu X. X->Int->Int can be characterized by the following signature:

    module type RecType = sig
     type t     (* abstract *)
     val wrap   : (t->int->int) -> t
     val unwrap : t -> (t->int->int)
provided that (unwrap . wrap) is the identity. If we have an implementation of this signature, we can transcribe a term such as \x. x x from the untyped lambda-calculus to the typed one.

ML supports one implementation of RecType, using iso-recursive (data)types. However, there is another implementation, using ML exceptions. Since exceptions are a particular case of delimited control, we obtain another proof that simply typed lambda-calculus with a cupto-like delimited control is not strongly normalizing.

The current version is 1.1, Oct 30, 2007; 1.2, Oct 2011
References [2K]
Complete commented OCaml code